gffa:Age of Resistance – General Hux #1 | by Tom Taylor, Leonard KirkHOLY FUCK, THIS REALLY IS A FIC
gffa:Age of Resistance – General Hux #1 | by Tom Taylor, Leonard KirkHOLY FUCK, THIS REALLY IS A FIC COME TO LIFE. It’s not that the Hux backstory stuff is totally new, but they sure DIALED THE WOOBIE BACKSTORY UP TO ELEVENTY and then the snark with Kylo Ren and oh my GOD “How did we…? Did you…? Did you save me…?” “Not intentionally.” AND “Communications are out.” “Which means I have no choice but to talk to you instead of literally anyone else.”I AM DYING I CANNOT BELIEVE I JUST READ THIS, I HAVE READ LESS FANFICCY FANFIC THAN THIS.A M A Z I N G, I’M CRYING IT’S SO BEAUTIFUL. Hux said “WE” first -- source link