The Mystery of Atlantisby Charles BerlitzIn the thirties, the American psychic and prophet Edgar Cay
The Mystery of Atlantisby Charles BerlitzIn the thirties, the American psychic and prophet Edgar Cayce predicted that Atlantis would rise from the ocean’s floor again in 1968 near the island of Bimini in the Bahama Islands, and last year an airline pilot discovered an emergent temple of great antiquity a few miles off the shore of Bimini. A recent archeological expedition announced that it had found the remnants of the true Atlantis in the midst of the Grecian Islands in the Mediterranean. Intense scientific interest in inner space, and renewed attempts to map accurately the floors of the oceans, has led to corroborative evidence that the continent, if not the civilization, of Atlantis did indeed exist. This comprehensive history of Atlantis is at once a summary of all the information compiled about Atlantis from the time of Plato to the latest expeditions to Bimini and the Mediterranean, and a bold approach to the mystery that has intrigued men for thousands of years.ILLUSTRATEDFIRST EDITIONPublisher: Grosset and Dunlap, New YorkCopyright: 1969BUY ON ETSY -- source link
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