mediamattersforamerica:Read the report that Bernie Sanders mentions HERE.While Big Money invades U.S
mediamattersforamerica:Read the report that Bernie Sanders mentions HERE.While Big Money invades U.S. elections and stifles our democracy (thanks, Senate Republicans!), mainstream media remain silent.From Reuters: This week the U.S. Senate considered a constitutional amendment that would have allowed Congress and state legislatures to limit the power of money in politics. The debate was not much covered in the media because the outcome was so predictable. But the party-line vote that killed it should not go unnoted.A remarkable majority of the American public — 79 percent according to Gallup — want campaign finance reform. The right and left, the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street, even Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly agree that, left unchecked, Big Money corrupts politics and undermines democracy.When people say democracy depends heavily on reliable media reporting, this is exactly what they’re talking about. As Republicans block efforts for campaign finance reform, Americans aren’t being informed that it’s happening — a responsibility that lies with the press. This is completely unacceptable. The American media is failing us. -- source link