reports on Julia’s visit to Vitebsk, Belarus as well as her new tattoo and song.Ex-t.A.T.u. gi reports on Julia’s visit to Vitebsk, Belarus as well as her new tattoo and song.Ex-t.A.T.u. girl Julia Volkova got to the Slavic Bazaar music festival in Vitebsk for the Golden Music Box concert, but not without adventures. First, in the train one artist was giving a long interview to his director, then other artists began happily singing. Then, towards the end, when Julia stripped down and laid down to sleep, her door opened and a fan walked in with a camera who wanted to take a photo with the star. Nevertheless, Julia was able to get enough sleep and after her rehearsal of “Hold Me Close” and “Not Gonna Get Us” went out with us to the City of Masters. This is a type of fair where local craftsmen bring all that is rich in the Belarusian land. Julia wanted to find gifts for her children.Julia was held up at a towel stand, laughing that she can always pick out a souvenir for her daughter with her name on it, but not for her son. “A towel with Samir on it”, they don’t make those, so instead she searches for something that has “for a son from his mother”. The singer found a mirror frame, but it was too heavy to carry.Julia also noticed the religious icons made from wood. She almost bought a giant wooden soup ladle, something that really isn’t needed in a home, but commands respect. Of course, the Belarusian market can not do without all sorts of knitted socks, mittens, and even underwear. Julia stopped to try on a pair of blue mittens, but took the off quickly - it was hot outside.We noticed that the singer had a new tattoo on her shoulder. It turns out that on one of her recent trips to Rig was not complete without a visit to the tattoo salon where Julia has an artist. This time the singer chose a drawing symbolizing love between a man and a woman. The pair, which is holding hands, walks towards a happy future. Surprisingly, the tattoo of the ex-t.A.T.u. girl resonates with her new song, “Follow Me”.After a busy day Julia left to get ready for the concert. In the morning she was already at a gym in Moscow. It turns out that Julia spends a lot of time maintaining her figure. She does not like cardio or group sessions very much. She prefers strength training to tone up her muscles. “I can feel the figure changing after not going to the gym for some time”, tells Julia. -- source link
#julia volkova