blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor

blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor
blizzly: me @ friends: listen, farscape is this gritty, dirty space opera, full of morally grey stor