Hang on a second…Sigh.Shyamalan, you realize that Katara’s “the Firelord’s son” line wasn’t j
Hang on a second…Sigh.Shyamalan, you realize that Katara’s “the Firelord’s son” line wasn’t just there as a fact to remind everyone that Zuko is–in fact–the son of Firelord Ozai, right? Maybe I shouldn’t include stuff relating from Books 2 and 3, but you clearly did enough research on the show to know about Ba Sing Se, to know who Hama was, and to include an allusion to the Ember Island portrait of the Fire Nation royal family–which, by the way, has Ozai looking somewhat like he’s supposed to:So yes, I’m holding you accountable. Anyway, the reason why Katara’s “you’re the Firelord’s son,” line works in canon is because it’s there for dramatic effect. She’s in a closed space with the guy who has constantly been on their trail trying to hunt down the Avatar so he can capture him and bring him back home for reasons that she doesn’t quite understand. A man who routinely captured members of their little group and brought with him nothing but pain and turmoil. And, on top of all that, his is a legacy of pain, war, and destruction. A legacy that wiped out the Air Nomads, killed her mother, and condemned thousands to their death. And here he is, only a few meters away, thinking about who knows what–and Katara finally has the chance to give him a piece of her mind because oh boy does she have some shit that she needs to get out of her system. So, what does she do? She lets out all that pain and anger by reminding Zuko about his legacy, and the pain and suffering his ancestors have caused the world.THAT IS WHY THE LINE IS THERE, SHYAMALAN!IT’S DRAMATIC! IT SHOWCASES THE PAIN AND SUFFERING KATARA–AND THE WHOLE WORLD–HAVE BEEN PUT THROUGH BECAUSE OF THE BLOODY LEGACY OF THE FIRE NATION!IT’S NOT JUST THERE BECAUSE KATARA IS POINTING OUT A FACT! IT’S THERE BECAUSE IT IS DRAMATIC, AND IT TIES INTO ZUKO’S MORAL CONFLICT!Instead of respecting the canon, you just throw it in there for no apparent reason, which just makes it look stupid–and I’m not even talking about the rest of the needless exposition in this so-called “movie,” and other examples of canon butchering. Thank god there will never be a sequel because I shudder to think about all the damage you would cause. -- source link