ohtheplacesllewwillgo:Not normally the type to do this kinda thing but it’s #worldbreastfeedingwee
ohtheplacesllewwillgo: Not normally the type to do this kinda thing but it’s #worldbreastfeedingweek and the UN suggested the #brelfie can help destigmatize breastfeeding in public. Feeling the need to cover up and nurse can be really isolating. It’s hard enough for new mamas to try and remember that they are their own person after the baby’s born. It’s easy to lose yourself in the newness of motherhood and forget that you, as a person, deserve to go places and see people and do things especially to maintain your sanity- but this is hard if, anytime you want to feed your baby, you have to hide away, go to another room, or lug around a ton of crap so you can sanitize, prep and heat a bottle. It also sends the message that this postpartum body is gross. Believe me, as a new mama you probably already feel gross with stretch marks, lumps and cellulite. But with nursing, you have a body part that is functioning properly, that is perfect as it is- the only thing that feels right- and you’re saying it’s gross. This body that just made a person, that is making a perfect food, is gross. That’s a lie. I honestly think that breastfeeding is one of the most beautiful things a woman can do, both in the sense of you are giving your body up for your child, which is beautiful; and that it is visually, tenderly, femininely beautiful. I have a cover and I use it sometimes. I’m still afraid that people are going to say something rude, or that I’m going to make them uncomfortable. In the mean time, they get angry at me anyway because my baby is screaming for food while I, flustered and clumsy, fiddle with fitting a piece of cloth over me properly to make sure no one is bothered by feeding him. But when I nurse my little man and he gazes up at me with his big blue eyes, that’s when I feel the most beautiful. Every mom deserves to feel that way. #normalizebreastfeeding -- source link