soakingspirit: ericaelise19My anxiety made a fierce return back in to my life at about 4 a.m. this m
soakingspirit: ericaelise19My anxiety made a fierce return back in to my life at about 4 a.m. this morning. Even though I lost both of my jobs, lost access to my businesses and my life’s work over two years ago, suddenly have zero income, and have no idea what the next few months have in store, I have been surprised at how I’ve been able to keep myself calm and my mind focused on positive things. (When all else fails, I look at pictures of puppies too.) So today, restless from a sleepless night, I awoke to more snow on the ground, and the obvious reality of more indoor time ahead while we quarantine. Instead of thinking of all the other places I would rather be and all of the things I would rather be doing right now, I’m being productive and getting caught up on taxes and organizing and deep cleaning. But if I *could* be anywhere else right this moment, it would be to this one right here, from a month ago on my 5th annual girls hot spring getaway. Book in hand, naked in the sunshine, soaking in a hot spring by a whitewater river. Anxiety has given me an obstacle to overcome today, but I won’t let it dampen my gratitude for the abundant blessings in life. Realistically, I can’t even count them! But today I’m especially grateful for my health, the healthcare professionals that have dedicated their lives to saving our friends and loved ones with this virus, and for our local government and health officials that acted so quickly in anticipating the severity of our local covid-19 crisis. If this thing hasn’t directly hit your community, be thankful that it hasn’t. It’s hit ours especially hard here in rural Colorado. -- source link