又要唱「問我有木有 確實也木有一直打爛的藉口…」裝緊水飲既時候,隻碗突然係乾碟架跳左落地下,反應唔切,啪一聲望一望見到崩壞了Oh no! Sad左一分鐘之後轉個諗法:好嘢,可以學下點痴番
又要唱「問我有木有 確實也木有一直打爛的藉口…」裝緊水飲既時候,隻碗突然係乾碟架跳左落地下,反應唔切,啪一聲望一望見到崩壞了Oh no! Sad左一分鐘之後轉個諗法:好嘢,可以學下點痴番佢等我買枝耐高溫無毒膠一次過痴番個碗同之前打爛既樹葉碟啦。Well…the bowl jumped from the drying rack to the floor suddenly when I was getting a drink. I was like oh no and was sad for a minute and then I changed my perspective: Now I can learn how to fix it! Yay I am going to get a non toxic glue that can withstand high temperature and fix this and the leaf dish I broke a while ago.Some things are #broken to be fixed. Wild hearts can’t be broken#touchwood #不幸中之大幸 #staypositive #保持正面 #https://www.instagram.com/p/CIMoKXKg5BI/?igshid=1pwt1a9au5931 -- source link