ellabebella: COFFEE I work in an office as a receptionist and yes, I fetch coffee. I don’t have to,
ellabebella: COFFEE I work in an office as a receptionist and yes, I fetch coffee. I don’t have to, its not in my job description. When the sales people come in I check if they need anything, coffee, etc. The women salespeople in the office seem surprised and tell me I shouldn’t offer because people will take advantage of me. What they mean by “people” is men. I don’t really care though, when the men ask for their coffee and accept it it makes me feel good because they seem happy. I don’t see why it needs to be so political all the time. There are a few men at work who walk in and sort of snap their fingers and say “coffee” before even saying hello and yes, that is a little rude I guess, but I still get them their coffee and they seem happy when I do. The whole coffee thing seems like its way too political. Its just coffee and why can’t I get it for the people if I have time and they want it? To me it seems like feminism gone crazy. It makes for a happier work environment for everyone and I like making everyone happy so why not? Just seems so silly that anyone tells me I am doing something wrong or bad by doing this. Its what I want to do and its appreciated usually, so why not? I like being the coffee girl and the men at least appreciate it even if the women look at me like some kind of gender traitor when I do. Its just coffee people - geez. Good for you. do what feels right! -- source link