spiroandthelacktones: lesbidrake:cerebralzero:xaqalibre: See also: Japanese-American intermnent
spiroandthelacktones: lesbidrake: cerebralzero: xaqalibre: See also: Japanese-American intermnent camps during WWII.100,000+ American citizens stripped of any and all rights they had, thrown in prison without trial, all because of who their ancestors were. Or the crack epidemic being caused by the CIA, and then the subsequent murder of Gary Webb who exposed it. mentioned above: cia crack epidemic gary webb “suicide” (suspicious anyway, but gov. prevented him from getting a job after controversial report) japanese american internment camps (also suggest reading the book Farewell to Manzanar) MK-Ultra (TL;DR: gov. believed mind control existed for some fucking reason and tortured human subjects w/ extremely dangerous drugs to ‘combat’ it) MK-Naomi tuskegee experiment operation mockingbird poisoning foster kids operation northwoods (wikipedia) see also: kent state shooting manhattan project: injection of plutonium into civilians manhattan project: dump sites (not sure if ment. above in poisoning MO) manhattan project: hiroshima/nagasaki (suggest book Phoenix Rising) flint, michigan poisoning industrial alcohol supply (during prohibition, punished “lawbreakers”, as if that’s a crime that warrants execution. 1927 archive page, requires subscription // snopes, if you trust that) operation paperclip (nazi recruitment, suggest reading cited book) Trails of Tears (haha and we’re STILL stealing reservation land! related, modern) MODERN: ICE immigrant cruelty, entrapment MODERN: HIV/AIDS epidemic MODERN: human rights disaster of hurricane katrina MODERN: dakota access pipeline spills (and other pipeline spills) (remember #NoDAPL?) i dont even have sources for this bc theres just so much fucking involved in it, but start here i guess for the syrian oil warfare theres like so much more so feel free to add the move bombing and ICE -- source link