lierrelearns:This is a really long post, but all of this information needs to stay together. Yet I d
lierrelearns:This is a really long post, but all of this information needs to stay together. Yet I don’t have a picture of the fusuma for some reason?? Whoops.1)荒海障子この襖障子は、清涼殿の北東の隅に、平安時代から置かれていたもので、清少納言の「枕草子」にも「荒海の岸辺に、姿おそろしげな手長足長を描いた障子」として紹介されており、これにちなみ荒海障子と称されています。図柄は中国の「山海経」から題材をとっており、手や足の長い人間が努力して漁をしている姿には、教訓的な意味があるとも伝わっています。(Araumi-no-Shoji)This fusuma-shoji room partition was located in the northeast corner of Seiryoden since the Heian Period (794-1185). The Pillow Book written by Sei Shonagon, a women writer and poet during the Heian Period, contains a passage with the following description: “These were shoji with paintings of long-armed and legged figures on the shores of a rough sea, looking frightening. This fusuma-shoji is also referred to as “Araumi-no-Shoji,” meaning a shoji with a painting of a rough sea. The painting’s design takes its theme from Classic of Mountains and Seas, the oldest Chinese text on geography said to have been completed over a period spanning from around 400 BC to around 220 AD. The image of people with long arms and legs making a collaborative effort at fishing was intended to teach a lesson.Vocab荒海(あらうみ)stormy sea障子(しょうじ)shoji (paper sliding door)襖(ふすま)fusuma (Japanese sliding screen)北東(ほくとう)northeast隅(すみ)corner岸辺(きしべ)shore, bank手長(てなが)long-armed足長(あしなが)long-legged称す(しょうす)to take the name of, call oneself図柄(ずがら)design, pattern山海経(せんがいきょう)Shan Hai Jing/Classic of Mountains and Sea教訓的(きょうくんてき)instructive2) 現在者は、安政2 (1855) 年に御用絵師の土佐光清が伝統的な図柄に基づき描いた物の模写ですが、襖障子の工法や素材は安政当時のものを復元しています。襖下地の本組みは組み手が上下左右たがい違いに組み合わされた堅牢な地獄組み (図1参照)となっており、その上に、厚さ・強度・ねばり等さまざまな13枚の和紙を重ねています。(図2参照)引き手は鹿皮です。なお、温湿度や紫外線から保護するため表面をガラスで覆っています。The painting on this present-day fusuma-shoji is a replica of the one painted based on a traditional design in 1855 by Tosa Mitukiyo, an Imperial court artist belonging to the Tosa school of painting. The method and materials used to make this fusuma-shoji have been restored from those of the 1850s. The fusuma’s wooden framework adopts the durable “jigoku-gumi” system, literally meaning “interlocking hell” in which vertical and horizontal wooden crosspieces are assembled alternately (see Figure 1). Thirteen layers of Japanese washi paper of various thickness, strength, and adhesiveness have been applied over the wooden lattice (see Figure 2). The handles are made of deeskin. The fusuma-shoji is encased within glass to protect the surface from temperature and humidity changes as well as UV rays.Vocab安政(あんせい)Ansei period [11/27/1854-3/18/1860]御用(ごよう)subservient toan authority (esp. the government)土佐光清(とさ・みつきよ)Tosa Mitsukiyo基づく(もとづく)to be based on, grounded on模写(もしゃ)copy, reproduction工法(こうほう)method of construction素材(そざい)material, ingredient下地(したじ)groundwork, foundation本組(ほんぐみ)(page) makeup組み手(くみて)wooden joints上下左右(じょうげさゆう)top and bottom, left and right互い(たがい)one another堅牢(けんろう)solid, sturdy, durable参照(さんしょう)reference強度(きょうど)strength, intensityねばり stickiness, viscosity引き手(ひきて)handle, knob鹿皮(しかがわ)deerskinなお furthermore, in addition湿度(しつど)level of humidity紫外線(しがいせん)ultraviolet rays保護(ほご)protection, safeguard覆う(おおう)to cover, conceal3) 襖下地(地獄組み “jigoku-gumi”)図1[top] 側面・[right] 側面[left middle] 引手(鹿革)4) 襖の下貼り図2襖下地椽(ふち)①骨縛り②胴縛り③蓑貼り(5重)鎧貼り④蓑縛り⑤受貼り(2重)⑥受縛り⑦増裹打ち⑧肌裹打ち本紙(絵)Vocab下貼り(したばり)undercoat縛り(しばり)binding胴(どう)frame (of a drum, etc.)蓑貼り(みのばり)an undercoat specifically for fusuma, glued only to the top and middle of the paper and layered like straw.重(じゅう)-fold, -ply (counter)鎧(よろい)armor肌(はだ)surface, texture -- source link
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