Jon Killed this shot like a Boss. Thank you all for the support in this hub ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ C O N
Jon Killed this shot like a Boss. Thank you all for the support in this hub ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ ⠀ Photographer: @jonfromchicago Location: Chicago, IL Chosen by: @deftony83 Featured Tag: #ArtOfChi ⠀ Like us on Facebook (link on the bio) and Follow Twitter : Art_of_Chi Follow the Squad: @deftony83 @rosi.visuals @atlas.urbanx3 @artemisawakes @beenishrezaviphotography @oliver.312 @salursino Every photo counts! Become the NEXT Artist of Chi ✶✶✶✶ • • • . #enjoyillinois #chicagoIG #illinois #mychicagopix #chicagogram #trib2016 #huffpostgram #chicago #justgoshoot #chicagolife #jj_chicagoland #likechicago #chicagoland #windycity #windycityspinners #wu_chicago #chigram #igchicago #insta_chicago #midwestmovement #abc7chicago #hrhchicago #chicagobucketlist #uchicago #ilovechicago by art.of.chi -- source link