romantic-atheism: p0ptartt: hohohotitty: pieflavoredjizz:badassthugmc:ilarual:darning-socks:
romantic-atheism: p0ptartt: hohohotitty: pieflavoredjizz: badassthugmc: ilarual: darning-socks: you learn to take the little victories I always got very excited when it would spell out ACDC OMG SAME FOR BOTH I always got very afraid when it was the same letter 4 times in a row when I was 4 or 5, my mom was a prof at a college and she used to hand me the scantron sheet before she wrote the exam and let me colour whatever lettered bubble i wanted for each answer. if i coloured two by accident, she made an ‘all of the above’ option. one time she gave me it and i coloured the ‘a’ bubble for each of the 130 questions except for the second last one and she just went with itlater on, she told me that it was the most entertaining exam she had ever watched her students take You’re the devil. Reblogging in case I ever become a teacher ~ -- source link