mamalaz:arthurpendragonns:“All the time.”Is there anyone Arthur touches more than Merlin? No, seriou
mamalaz:arthurpendragonns:“All the time.”Is there anyone Arthur touches more than Merlin? No, seriously, throughout the series, Arthur has always been aloof and literally untouchable. With his knights, he does that formal arm grab and he is ever the cool son with his father, rarely hugging. As prince, he must have always been raised like that, put on a pedestal with no one to really interact with that freely. Even with Gwen, he is more cautious than at ease. With Merlin, however, he is so damn comfortable that he can go from head locks to poking him in the face with his feet. Think, honestly, is there anyone else in the entire series that he is so much himself with?There isn’t. ‘Cause they’re two halfs of one idiot -- source link