WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1968Shouting, jeering and worn out delegates to the Democratic National Conven
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1968Shouting, jeering and worn out delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, virtually forced Representative Carl Albert of Oklahoma, the convention chairman, to adjourn the convention early this morning until noon today. The second session broke up in anger and confusion just after the start of the debate on the Vietnam plank of the 1968 platform. Many delegates believed that if a minority report critical of President Johnson’s Vietnam policy could be adopted, it would lead to a “draft of Senator Edward M. Kennedy for President and possibly stop the nomination of Vice President Humphrey. Mr. Kennedy, however, let advisers know last right that he would not be available for such a draft. Mr. Humphrey and Senators Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern, the three leading Democratic Presidential candidates, met face to face before the California delegation for the first such encounter of the campaign. The Democrats, amid the chaos and passion that is their fashion, are drumming out the bigots, beckoning to the young and imposing some profound changes on the party’s future processes more rapidly than most had ever thought possibleThe Czechoslovaks seemed to conclude that the agreement her leaders reached with the Soviet Union was a compromise bordering on capitulation. The Moscow accord, in effect, gave the Russians the right to station troops indefinitely in Czechoslovakia in exchange for the maintenance of the Dubček regime and a slightly restricted continuation of the liberalization process.Well placed European Communists still loyal to the Soviet Union described the occupation of Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pact forces as a “bad mistake.” The Administration has advised the Hanoi delegation in Paris “to stop miscalculating or trying to interfere in internal American affairs and get down to the serious business of making peace.” A nationwide survey by Louis Harris made Saturday put Richard M. Nixon 6 points ahead of Mr. Humphrey, or Senator McCarthy, or President Johnson in public support for the Presidency. -- source link
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