deedee-sims:Rented Space’s 3t2 Super Spy Coat separated (for @episims)I remember that at some point
deedee-sims:Rented Space’s 3t2 Super Spy Coat separated (for @episims)I remember that at some point I talked about this coat with someone? But it never came to fruition to any of us. Oh well, now it’s here! For teens, adults, and elders, with the appropriate morphs. They come in the original 5 colors (you can fetch the PSD from Rented Space’s original post), and as usual, you can choose if you want the other ages repo’d to the AF ones, or not :)Download Rented Space 3t2 Super Spy Coat Separated Repo’d - AlternateDownload Rented Space 3t2 Super Spy Coat SeparatedStandalone - Alternate -- source link