prisonbondage:My name is Chase… before today I was a 21 year old collegefrat boy on top of the world
prisonbondage:My name is Chase… before today I was a 21 year old collegefrat boy on top of the world. Penn State business student, president of AlphaDelta, and a job lined up after graduation at the family business. Oh, and for“extracurriculars” we host ragers at least three times a week. ThesePSU girls are falling over themselves trying to get in my bed, or were. Thismorning started off like any other- I got dressed after sleeping through myfirst class. Button down, khakis, and Uggs since it is cold out and they arepretty comfy. All of a sudden, I hear a commotion downstairs and then poundingon my bedroom door- someone shouts “open up its the police”. Ihesitate for too long and next thing I know the door is busted down and threearmed cops come rushing in and force me against the wall. “ChaseMatthews?” one asks. “Yeah but what the fuck is this”… next“We have a warrant for your arrest” he says.“You are under arrest for sexual assault”. Shit I think to myself,one of those girls must have decided she didn’t like the after-partyhospitality. Then, one arm is forced behind my back and then the other, and Ifeel the cold steel of handcuffs dig into my wrists. The cops force me down tomy knees and then I feel more steel around my ankles- leg irons! “Why isthat necessary?” I ask. “You’re a flight risk with your money”he replies, “if I were you I’d shut up and enjoy the last time in civilianclothes for a LONG time haha” Then one cop grabs each of my arms andbriskly walk me outside the frat house into a waiting cop car. Of course it isthe morning and everyone is walking down the street… damn iPhones now I’mgonna be all over snapchat and twitter in like 30 seconds. Any other time it isall fun, but not when you’re under arrest. I get shoved in the back seat of thecruiser and driven to the county jail for processing.Once at the station, two jail guards come to meet me at thedoor and escort me to a white brick room. “Inmate Matthews, please removeall of your clothing for a strip search”. I hesitate again, not fullycomprehending the shitstorm that is now my life. “I said remove yourclothes, inmate, NOW.” Slowly, I began to peel off my shirt and shoes,then pants. Finally, socks and underwear. Now I am fully naked- embarrassing ashell. I couldn’t imagine anything worse, but then it happened. “We have anew program for offenders like you,” the guard explained. “All sexoffenders must be fitted with a chastity device for the duration of yourincarceration”. “A WHAT??” I shout!. “A cage for youruncontrollable dick” he said. And before I could even react, my dick waslocked in a plastic cage, very restrictive and uncomfortable. Then the guardsadded more chains- handcuffs, waist chain, and leg irons, and told me to holdtight and wait. A few minutes later, two new guards came in with a pile ofclothing. They unlocked my restraints and told me to get dressed. Not wantingto stay naked, I quickly changed into the black and white striped pants andshirt then put the cheap orange canvas shoes on my feet. The chains came backon right overtop and I was again told to sit and wait. Now, it started to hitme. What was going on?? Just a few hours ago I had the world by the balls, andnow my balls were locked in a cage, I couldn’t move more than the cuffs allowed,and I was in a large cage myself. All over a stupid girl- why was I so dumb? Ilooked down at the floor and saw my clothes from the morning- what a change itis to go from a Polo shirt to convict garb, and $200 Uggs to $2 bitch slippers.I have never felt so humiliated in my life. Chained up like an animal anddressed up like a prisoner- the scum of society. A few hours passed in the room before one of the guards cameback in. “Inmate Matthews, because it is now after 5PM, and our generalpopulation cells are full, you are going to spend the night in solitaryconfinement. We think its appropriate given the nature of your crimes andflight risk.” With that, two guards came behind me and each one grabbed anarm to walk me down the hall. I heard the other inmates from behind the barsyelling stuff like “fresh meat” and “cute one”, I’ll admitI was scared to death. While the guards were standing behind me, for the firsttime I appreciated the stark power dynamic I was on the wrong side of. Theguards were wearing empowering military-style camo uniforms and boots, while Ihad on humiliating stripes and cheap orange shoes, all chained up. When wearrived at the solitary cell, I was roughly thrown inside and the door slammedbehind me. I laid down on the shitty mattress and brought my chained legs up aswell. I tried to sleep but couldn’t.About 8PM tonight, the door creaked open and a lone guardentered before shutting the door behind him. “On your knees prisoner”he said firmly. Me, not knowing what could be happening and just wanting toobey the guards, complied quickly, almost falling flat on my face in a struggleto get accustomed to my chains. “You’re new here so here’s how it works.There are three classes of people in prison- guards, top dogs, and bitches. You,my friend are destined to be a bitch, given your average stature andwhite-collar background. So, you can either be a bitch to top dog inmates, orguards. Your pick. By the way I suggest you pick guards, because we can protectyou MUCH better than anyone else.” Suddenly it clicked what role I was nowin and what choice I had to make. “Guards” I said softly, knowing Iwas destined for something unpleasant either way but much preferring some levelof protection. “I was hoping you’d say that- he said. I am CO Grayson”TO BE CONTNUED“For your first task, you’ll be licking my boots toconfirm your submissive status” Grayson said as he held a boot forward.“Now GO” he said deviously. Reluctantly, I put my head toward thefloor, and gathered my chains together. It was repulsive but I knew the otherchoice was worse. I licked the boot until Grayson told me to stop. “Nowyou’re gonna lick something else” he laughed as he unzipped his uniformpants. “NO I CAN’T” I said and backed away. “Oh inmate Matthews,that is NOT a good choice” Grayson said. “But I am feeling nice soI’m going to give you a second chance. You’re going to be hogcuffed for a fewhours while you reconsider”. Before I could even think what that was, Iwas shoved to the ground with my face in the concrete and hands dragged behindme and connected to my shackles. I couldn’t move an inch. It was painful and Iknew I’d have to give in. As much as I hated the thought of blowing Grayson, itwas necessary. “WAIT” I said. “Ill do it” TB CONTINUE“Excellent choice Inmate- you are learningquickly” I was deftly uncuffed from the hogtie and brought back to myknees. Grayson’s dick was brought out and I slowly leaned forward and placed mytongue out to start. I began licking the shaft and worked my way up to the tip,before enveloping his dick with my mouth and sucking away. It seemed like hoursI was there before I felt the pulsations and felt the warm creamy jizz shootinto my mouth. I knew there would be repercussions if I spat, so I swallowedand finished him off. “Well done Matthews” he said and patted me onthe head like a dog. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning” Then he turned,left the cell, and shut the steel door behind him. My humiliation andtransformation is now complete. Here I am, still chained up, lying on a cheapcot, property of the state, in a flimsy uniform, waiting for what happens nextas INMATE MATTHEWS. -- source link
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