chi-chi-gori:chi-chi-gori:chi-chi-gori:chi-chi-gori:【重要なお知らせ】コロナ緊急事態宣言発令や、昨今のTumblrなどの エロ規制等、様々な不自由な表現活動の 現状を鑑みて、完全クローズドの 会員制SNSからの発信を 始めます。一か月500円程度の 有料サブスクリプションですが、エロ規制のない 自由な投稿が出来るので、 楽しみです。。。主な内容は、最新映像だけでなくこれまでに規制削除や自主規制してきたノーカット映像やメイキング映像、未公開フォト等。また有料会員様のサロンご利用時の特典も考えています!よろしくお願いします、。[Important Notice] In view of the current state of various inconvenient expression activities such as the announcement of the Corona State of Emergency and the recent erotic regulations such as Tumblr, we will start sending from a completely closed membership SNS. It’s a paid subscription of about 500 yen a month, but I’m looking forward to it because I can post freely without erotic restrictions. .. .. The main contents are not only the latest videos, but also uncut videos, making videos, unreleased photos, etc. that have been deregulated or self-regulated so far. We are also considering benefits for paying members when using the salon! Thank you,.初めて一週間あまりです。早々にご購読下さいました方々、誠にありがとうございます。世界的に蔓延る疫病と言論統制の癒しのない世界に私なりに今できる事を考えて会員制有料SNSに参加しました。何もせず、他人の批判や文句しか言わない人は、申し訳ありませんが対象としておりません。一方で拙い私の表現に有料にてご賛同頂いた方々の癒しのお手伝いをさせていただくべく努力いたしますので今後ともよろしくお願いいたします僭越ながら、内容も充実してきましたのでサブスクリプションの改定を本日よりさせていただきます。(以前よりご購読のお客様は、初回料金据え置きです。)’s been about a week for the first time. Those who subscribed early, Thank you very much. In a world without healing of epidemics and media blackouts Thinking about what I can do now, I participated in a membership-based paid SNS. If you don’t do anything and only criticize or complain about others, I’m sorry, but it is not covered. On the other hand, the healing of those who agreed with my poor expression for a fee I will do my best to help you Thank you for your continued support. Although I’m afraid, the content has been enhanced. We will revise your subscription from today. (Customers who have subscribed from before will have the initial charge unchanged.) -- source link