stories-of-a-bibliophile:elfwreck:onemuseleft:kelssiel:hedgehog-moss:shattered-sea-glass:recommend:Seven Friends Buy Mansion in China so They Can Grow Old Togetheri hope more people do this in the future ❤️My favourite part of the article is that they formed this project years before they were able to make it a reality, and in the meantime “each friend has made sure [to] specialize in an area that would benefit all of them when they moved in together—from cooking and growing vegetables to traditional Chinese medicine and playing music.” I keep joking that me and a few friends should do this but I’m not really jokingWe need this. We need more of this.…in many parts of the US, you can’t legally do this, because zoning laws don’t allow that many non-relatives to live together. It’s called “Single-Family Zoning.” It’s used to keep poor people from sharing resources and move into neighborhoods that none of them could afford on their own, often disguised as “we don’t want rowdy college students taking over.”What the fuck is wrong with America -- source link