starry-eyed-forest-witch: Dream Guardian Enchantment Spell ✨ Intent:To animate a protector of ba
starry-eyed-forest-witch: Dream Guardian Enchantment Spell ✨ Intent: To animate a protector of bad dreams Gather: Something to enchant (a statue, a stuffed animal, any charm) Three tea light candles Amethyst (enhances dreams, gives guardian power to enter your dreams) Lavender buds (restful sleep) Dried Rosemary (protection) Method: Place candles around prospective dream guardian Anoint candles with small amounts of lavender buds and dried rosemary Light candles and close your eyes. Imagine/visualize what your guardian would look like alive and moving around the dream world. Ask them to protect you from harm and bad dreams. (I do this in my head, but you can ask out loud, as well) When the time feels right, open your eyes and blow out your candles Place guardian anywhere near your place of rest.✨ -- source link