poppypicklesticks:zerotide:poppypicklesticks:theoreticalwitchcraft:vart-lucin:thisiswhiteculture:clarknokent:cooolasssluusshhh:lavishvia:ibadbitch:messymessymia:messymessymia:Fact.This post has gotten me a lot of hate mail lmaooooHahahathis ain’t a lie thouLMFAOOOODeadassand for you crackers about to come in about italian food, know that pasta didn’t originate in italy. and if you want to talk about spanish food, know that that cuisine was inspired by african and middle eastern cuisine. white food is trash unless they have stolen a part of their cusine from PoC who do it rightWhat is this post like not only are those pics and captions reductive and hilarious the commentary makes it even more ridiculous like most ‘cuisines’ (yes including the italian and spanish one or whatever you were referencing) had formed much before (or at least have a basis on) the modern concept of ‘whiteness’ and race were invented and do you think these weird metacuisines you were posting have never been ‘inspired’ by others or there wasnt even blatant lifting or just simple sharing or ‘appropriationz’ amongst and within those cuisines like seriously stop yourself and calm down lmaaaoLook at all the shit Spaniards and Southern Italians appropriated from the middle eastern people who occupied and ruled those territories for centuriesOh isn’t it just the most precious thing when SJWs think they know about world cuisine? Several things.1. That hispanic cuisine? I see a big ol’ dish of Paella there. Paella is a spanish dish, and us Mediterraneans are very much white. Not only is it a Spanish dish, it’s considered to be the national dish of spain. 2. Asian cuisine? Gee and here was me thinking that Africa and Asia were massive continents with a huge assortment of nations, cultures, ethnicities, tribes and other groups. So are you telling me that Indian food tastes the same as Vietnamese food and that Iranian food tastes the same as Chinese food which tastes the same as Korean food which is interchangable with Japanese food which doesn’t taste very different from Thai or food from the Phillipines?Precious.I mean you’ve made a half arsed attempt to separate the Middle East from the rest of Asia… but barely. Because I’m sure Iranian and Arabic food tastes the same. Yeah.3. Not only do you fuckwits seem painfully ignorant of Dishes of Colour (lol) you seem painfully ignorant of Europe (but we are dealing with Tumblrinas, who for all their self-praise about how enlightened and socially aware they are, have about as much knoweldge of anywhere outside Murrica as your average cartoon redneck)Ukranian Pierogis Paella, Spain’s national dishItalian Gelato Brighton Sausage Rolls: the company, Pig n Mix lets you have all sorts of flavours, from rosemary and bacon to apple and apricot French pastries Traditional British sweetshop Still life from the 17th Century “Look at all the shit Spaniards and Southern Italians appropriated from the middle eastern people who occupied and ruled those territories for centuries”So let me get this straight.You can “culturally appropriate” even when you are a conquered people? “Like how fucking dare those italians steal food when they got conquered fucking whitey how dare they btw when whitey colonised shit they FORCED their customs on us but when we conquer whitey THEY APPROPRIATE”Oh and “European food is shit unless they stole it from PoC fact everything that tastes good in Europe was literally stolen from PoC” Got any sauces for those claims, or is it because you are so pathetically insecure about yourselves that you need to tell yourselves shit so you don’t have to feel guilty about cramming your gullets full of Dominos like cuckoos? You know what? I’m actually done with you fucking morons because all of you are so stupid, and ignorant of anything outside your little bubble of 21st Century Murrica that it’s obvious all of you are fucking lost causes.20 bucks says you fuckwits carry on cackling about “omg white cuisine” even as you guzzle down stale pastries and bastardised attempts at Italian food like your lives depend on it. People here just want a target so they can keep up this toxic “us vs. them” mentality.Wonder how many replies are from people who resent having their various cuisines referred to as monolinths like “asian cuisine” or “african cuisine” but these whiny snatchrags just pretend it’s from white people to soothe their egos Also I love it when Tumblr pulls shit like this when most of them would starve to death if they banned frozen dinners and takeout -- source link
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