she-initiates: [ Sagittarius Rising ]- A larger than life personality- A jovial person with a bawdy
she-initiates: [ Sagittarius Rising ]- A larger than life personality- A jovial person with a bawdy sense of humor- A philosopher-clown- A wise-ass- Having a goofy sense of humor- Looking funny or goofy- Looking wise and learned- Outdoorsy- A person who wants to explore what life has to offer- A person who wants to expand beyond current limitations- A person who wants to know what lies just beyond the horizon- A person who is not content to sit at home doing the same old things day after day- A person who expands his horizons through actual physical travel or via the mind, through books and ideas- A person who approaches life with good humor- Looking like an explorer- A person who is always on the move- A person who has homes in several countries- A person who moves around a lot- A person with a religious or philosophical viewpoint- Someone who pontificates- A philosopher- A person who is capable of enduring hardship with good humor- A person with a moral stance- A person with an opinion about everything- A person whose approach is blunt and tactless- A code of ethics is important to this person- A person whose life’s theme song is “Don’t Fence Me In.” - Having a horsey appearance- Long legs- Big teeth- Physically outrageous- Physically funny looking- Approaching life with optimism- Having faith in life- Having faith in yourself- Self belief- Taking unnecessary risks- Arrogance- Approaching life from a place of self-righteousness- Trying to impose your opinions on everything in the environment- Overly opinionated- Having a strong need to be right- Believing that your approach is the right approach- Visionary people- A truthful person- Truthfulness at the expense of everything else- Having an opinion about everything* [ ASTROFIX.NET | THE BLOG OF AN ASTROLOGY ADDICT ] -- source link