stay-human:Pakistan In Solidarity with Ferguson Because international solidarity is important. Bec
stay-human: Pakistan In Solidarity with Ferguson Because international solidarity is important. Because we understand solidarity does not only constitute holding up a sign. Because we have to work towards fighting anti-blackness in our own Pakistani communities. Because we are in this struggle together. Because both brown and black bodies are done violence to by white men in uniforms, different as those uniforms may be. Because we have seen black communities protest against drone strikes for our right to life. Because you too, have that right to life. Because we want you to know you are heard. Because we want you to know you are not alone in this struggle. Because we want you to know we are with you. Because we want you to know that you have all our love and support until all our peoples are liberated and free to live in peace. If you are Pakistani and would like to contribute to this campaign, please send your picture to this page or upload your picture on any platform using the hashtag #Pakistan2Ferguson. Intisaab | Democratic Students’ Alliance -- source link