studyquill: ! important !remember that summer is meant to be a break from the stress of school, so d
studyquill: ! important !remember that summer is meant to be a break from the stress of school, so don’t overwork yourself. these are some suggestions of small tasks to do each day when you have nothing else major to do. if you miss a day, keep going! you don’t have to finish this in 30 consecutive days. if you are uncomfortable with a task, don’t do it. this is meant to guide you to keep on track in the summer, not force you to do busy work. i. write all upcoming events on a calendar.ii. choose an organization system.iii. make a habit tracker.iv. write 3 goals for the school year.v. clear your email clear your askbox.vii. clean your phone of photos and apps.viii. clean your computer of files.ix. clean your study space.x. clean your backpack.xi. clean your pencil case.xii. clean your closet, or wherever you shove all your junkxiii. establish a morning routinexiv. establish an after school routinexv. you’re halfway done! take a day for self care and find out what helps you the most.xvi. find or make a study soundtrack.xvii. if you haven’t already, make a studyblr! if you have one, redo it.xviii. try meditation.xix. find healthy recipes.xx. find a fitness method that works for you and establish a fitness routine.xxi. find a note taking method that works for you.xxii. find resources for the subjects you’re taking next year.xxiii. change your wallpapers to motivational ones.xxiv. make a motivation wall.xxv. go to the library or a book store.xxvi. organize your bookshelf.xxvii. write a bucket list.xxviii. write a mission statement for your life.xxix. find out what kind of person you make a rewards list, then choose one to reward yourself with because you’ve finished the challenge! good job! under the cut are post challenges with 2 options for each day and a printable version of the 30 day list and the 30 day blog challenge. Keep reading -- source link