purplebuddhaproject:The Lotus The Lotus in Buddhism is a sacred symbol in Buddhism that r
purplebuddhaproject:The Lotus The Lotus in Buddhism is a sacred symbol in Buddhism that represents purity and resurrection. Growing in murky mud, but blooming right above it, the Lotus flower in Buddhism refers to a higher thought state of mind than that of the mud that exists below. Though growing in the dimness of swamps, the Lotus flower remains untouched and thus signifies the purity of the mind and spirit. Having grown through the mud, symbolic of the suffering and temptations of this World, the Lotus flower ultimately represents spiritual awakening. This higher level of interpretation of the Lotus exists universally, in ancient Egypt, Hinduism, and Buddhism; and perhaps the focus of this interest is not so much in the flower itself, but the mud that it grows over. As gorgeous and interesting the Lotus flower is, just as interesting is its’ roots of swamps, an unlikely home for something so delicate and lively. A seed has no choice in where it lands, yet commits to growing into a plant from the environment where it lands. We must act upon our lives and where we come from with the same determination a simple seed continues to struggles in the ferocious influences of nature. From this struggle a beautiful flower it becomes and makes the world more beautiful in it’s own way. Hard times will force you to doubt yourself and will question the authenticity of who you are. People will not see what you are seeing and have difficulties of where you are heading. The situation will never be just right, always being a little short on time or money. And through it all, you must carry the lotus within you. To be true to you and to know your purpose of growth and progress. We are meant to grow, progress, and evolve in this unforgiving environment of the World and through it all achieve happiness yet, in this will require letting go. Loss is an arduous attribute of life, and loss through a self-elected choice of letting go is no different. The process of growing will require letting go and sometimes we will be asked to let go of things that we have always wanted or would never consider letting go, but a tree doesn’t hesitate to let her leaves fall when it time and still lives on when branches may befall. Letting go means to accept that something or someone have shared a purpose within our lives, however having its’ own path that is independent to us and to of all people. Like all existence of life, it was meant to teach us a lesson of life, and to this we must appreciate, however nothing will run along parallel to that of our own lives forever. Accept that these people and these situations to have their own reasons for occurring, and allow them to be off on their path, for they aren’t here merely for our existence or our convenience. To rise above the suffering of life, is a choice that humans must establish within their own minds with the same image of a lotus growing above the murky waters. We are the lotus, rise above. Namaste,Forrest Curran -- source link