mistah-oso: theunnamedstranger:siryouarebeingmocked:SYABM comic 49 “The Worst An Ad Can Get” Qui
mistah-oso: theunnamedstranger: siryouarebeingmocked: SYABM comic 49 “The Worst An Ad Can Get” Quick and dirty comic. What’s that old saying? “If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize”? So, over the past few years, criticism of feminism has gone mainstream. Especially after that infamous feminist protest of an “MRA” talk. There’s thousands of words and hours of videos, especially about mainstream feminist ideas of gender roles. You know, only the basic assumptions the entire ideology is built on, no big. And yet, many feminists apparently prefer to yell at their strawman of their critics instead of actually talking to them. or listening to them.* I’ve seen people who looked like they were having a conversation with anti-feminists, until you realized they weren’t really responding to what they other person said, they were apparently responding to some kind of mirror universe version. Presumably with a goatee. Consumers are now really aware of #woke ads, like Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty. There’s plenty of people, gay and straight, who side-eye all the companies jumping on the Pride Month bandwagon these days. So when a commercial for a razor company tells tens of millions of men “there is something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you and you need to change” and the reaction was negative, lots of people just couldn’t figure out why men got pissed off. Even though the criticisms were the same ones people have made of other feminist works for a years. If you try to talk to an attractive woman in public, you’re toxic or something. Clearly, the defenders say, Gillette just wanted men to stop being dicks. If you were upset, clearly you were a dick, or a pussy fragile, or both. Clearly, real men wouldn’t get insulted at a commercial.** http://archive.fo/rBoCP It’s not clear whether any of these folks have heard the term “kafkatrap”. I’m a black man. If someone told all black men they were responsible for the bad behavior of other black men, said “not enough (black) men are stepping up” many of the same people supporting this would be rightly outraged at the racism***. But you take off an adjective, and it’s suddenly okay****. Why would any man trust an ad influenced by a movement which claims it cares for men, but fails to understand men on the most basic level? Which usually acts like all women automatically agree with it? Which says it wants to get rid gender roles, but acts like it wants to customize them? Which says it wants to help men, as long as men don’t actually expect to be helped? Why trust an ad linked to the #MeToo in the first few seconds? A movement that acts like a women’s unproven allegations against men are absolute truth? Which harassed Henry Cavill just because he said he was worried a woman might think his flirting was harassment? Why should men trust people who say they want to help men, but basically have no idea what men are like, actively support things which are harmful for men, and will use anti-male stereotypes to silence men who criticize them? Like one Youtube comment said “Weird as it might sound, I don’t need my toilet products to tell me not to rape women.” PS: Gents, Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club aren’t much better, politically. Just go with a safety razor. [ Older comics | Chronological order | Subreddit ] More criticism of the ad:https://www.forbes.com/sites/charlesrtaylor/2019/01/15/why-gillettes-new-ad-campaign-is-toxic/#892f3685bc9fhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/avidan/2019/01/16/for-men-gillette-is-no-longer-the-best-a-brand-can-get/#34c4bc5e5ea5https://en.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/ag8mat/charles_taylor_forbes_why_gillettes_new_ad/ https://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2019/01/15/insulting-part-gillettes-toxic-masculinity-commercial-wasnt-stereotypical-depictions-men/https://old.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/ag2zm8/gillette_razors_deserve_the_coming_boycot/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShZTM1VUP10 [NSFW audio]https://www.smh.com.au/national/i-know-all-about-toxic-masculinity-toxic-feminism-isn-t-the-answer-20190117-p50ryg.htmlhttps://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2019/01/17/we-need-to-retoxify-masculinity-n2539123 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_HL0wiK4Zc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPYotczyopU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYaY2Kb_PKI&lc=UgyPpCSf_fq4P3-YNZJ4AaABAg * Even when the critics are other feminists.** Lots have people have noticed the irony; a lot of feminists who say they want to end toxic masculinity have no problem shaming men using traditional values.*** But not the sexism**** I just want to point out a bit of irony here. The ad uses a clip of Terry Crews testifying in a Senate subcommittee about his alleged sexual assault by a man. The commercial only specifically talks about or depicts potential sexual misconduct toward women. Plus, if you extrapolate, the commercial is saying Terry is responsible for his own sexual assault because he didn’t stop the his assailant. I love how one of those comments is literally using the “real men do [thing I want men to do]” strategy that feminists insist is part of toxic masculinity. You’re pretending to criticize it while utilizing it to make the men who disagree with you do what you want them to. It’s crazy how the only actually harmful element of supposed “toxic masculinity” is feverishly used by people claiming to have men’s best interest in mind. let’s not forget … gues who cliffy b is. -- source link