siryouarebeingmocked: All right, from the top.1 The coffee cops thing was never a big deal. Certainl
siryouarebeingmocked: All right, from the top.1 The coffee cops thing was never a big deal. Certainly not as much as the fuss over two black men kicked out for loitering. The first one was literally one guy making a spectacle of himself. Which led to a snowball effect, where other people wanted the attention. Most Christians don’t care.2. Pretending the controversy was over Colin Kaepernick kneeling - not the part where he literally said it was a sign of his lack of pride in America - is a lie. You couldn’t even go with the “it wasn’t a lack of respect!” like the other NPCs, you had to go even deeper.3. The controversy over AOC dancing, again, wasn’t really a thing. Most of the righties I know went “what video?” I’ve seen more people talking about the supposed controversy than actually participating in it.4. The right often goes out of their way to say even people who disagree with them should have a voice and be free from censorship and maybe guns. You seem to be projecting the views of antifa or other far-leftists.5. Again, the problem wasn’t the Gillette commercial, but the message they wanted to send.I love how you think “strawmanning wildly” is some kind of slam dunk against the right. I could go “why do people get so upset about black people getting free boat rides!” and I would be misrepresenting slavery. Or I could describe the Mike Brown shooting as “a policeman shooting a suspect” and dismiss the controvery.And, of course, you don’t actually compare it to the things the left has gotten angry about over the past few years. Like Trump feeding fish wrong. Or a poop swatstika smeared on a Mizzou bathroom wall. Which led to protests which wrecked their admissions and reputation. When it comes to ads, how about the international furor over Protein World’s Beach body ad? How often do people on the right get ads banned by officials?This entire post is an extended - and pathetic - tu quoque. Also, remember this?You don’t really have the right to claim anyone else is easily offended, when you suicide-bait over online arguments.And, y’know, block people for disagreement. -- source link