genderisareligion:“That’s white people for you though” They literally have no actual knowledge of ra
genderisareligion:“That’s white people for you though” They literally have no actual knowledge of radical feminism. I went a whole year not even reading the works of white radical feminists. I became one from the words of the women of color.And all I did was search for “black feminism” at my college library. Guess who popped up, even though I didn’t even know to include the “radical”? bell hooks. I read just her works for weeks and she converted me. Not because she “stood around and did nothing,” not because she was a raging transphobe, but because she did the HARD work of disentangling black women from black men’s toxic masculinity, helping us analyze it, understand each other, and understand why so many of us have struggles with our own men. One of the anthologies I picked up next was a collection of only black radical feminists essays.You can’t get rid of us. Too fucking bad. Audre Lorde - who came up with the “how can I be free when another woman is not?” quote that trans women LOVE to apply to themselves - was a proud lesbian radical feminist whose honest works have saved SO many lives. Black women like I was who have no connection to others like themselves except through the written word. And this isn’t even counting the activist work she and bell did/do. A lesbian radfem has several trans organizations named after her (Audre). Just you try to kick us all out. It pisses me off so fucking much when they try to act like we’re all white. As if women of color worldwide aren’t practicing regular feminism - the kind that was indistinguishable to my library search engine, the kind that built the foundations of feminism - without the Western concept of gender ruling their every word. It’s YOUR white people who stand around doing nothing and try to be the head of house. Just look at Caitlin Jenner. You can’t throw a stone without running into a white TRA who screams “you owe everything to trans women of color!” but do nothing to actually dismantle or engage in anti racism. They pretend like they are, but it’s impossible to worship gender and genuinely contribute to BLM. White cops are obsessed with masculinity and it’s why they kill us. When you say ACAB, remember that they’re bastards because they ascribe to the very same system that you believe is real. Yeah you’re “queering” it or “exploring it” or whatever, but they’re using the exact same resource to be heinous monsters to my people. Black women are still dying from childbirth at alarming rates in the US (not counting the times we couldn’t even get maternal healthcare while being raped by slave owners and racists who could get us arrested if they claimed we looked at them on the street wrong). And your whites are more concerned with making sure everyone calls us “birthing people” and wasting time arguing semantics than they are with genuinely helping. Sure, I’m a “stupid and ungrateful piece of dog shit” for being eternally grateful for the brave black and Latina lesbian radical feminists who came before me, who had the courage to write about their experience despite how many black and Latino men claimed it wasn’t real. And they still do. Look at some of the laws against homosexuality in South America and Africa. In Africa you can be killed. One of my best friends is from Nigeria and she just came out at thirty because it was hard for her to let go of fearing death for something unchangeable, even years after she’d moved away. Why don’t you go somewhere until you stop lying? You would love it if we were all uppity spoiled white women, but many of us are poor women of color who desperately need community. Sorry that gender not being real hurts your feelings. Now are you going to help me with my life by battling the stereotypes that plague me or are you going to waste my time? -- source link