Me, say…19 years old.. . Steadiness. I find it in recognizing the vastness of the world. Th
Me, say…19 years old. . . Steadiness. I find it in recognizing the vastness of the world. The endlessness of love and also of suffering. We cannot imagine infinity, which exists both within and without the technical constraints of our planet. Where does the planet end? The earth is connected to the sky, so is the sky part of the earth? And as we travel higher, higher, higher… the atmosphere doesn’t end, it just fades away. So where does Earth end and space begin? There is no boundary. . . Steadiness. How do we stand unwavering in a world of insecurity when we are made of water? How do we find and maintain a pause in the matrix when, like earth, we have no boundary between ourselves and the rest of the physical world? I find steadiness in the vastness of the world because it reminds me of how powerless I actually am. What a relief, to realize I am only one single person in the universe. It’s contrary, I know, to the fable about the fire and the hummingbird. It’s contrary to the infatuation with “empowerment” that wants us to believe anyone can make a difference. . I don’t NOT believe that stuff. I’m also not opposed to empowerment. The problem comes when we place the entire world on our own shoulders. The problem comes when our empowerment decomposes into shame-based obligation that we desperately try to placate. . I see now how arrogant it is to suppose that I could even hold the whole world on my shoulders in the first place. I am not the center of the universe. . I am only one person in the world. I don’t need to fix the world, or save the world. I don’t need to make it a life goal to “make the world a better place.” . Obligation is not empowerment, and pacifying the guilt of privilege is not generosity. . Empowerment is the knowledge that you’re free to do absolutely nothing at all, but that you may choose to do something. Generosity is borne from gratitude and the wisdom that comes with realizing I already have enough, I already am enough, & I already do enough. . So, no, I don’t have to do anything at all. . And yes, I will choose to do something — without centring myself. . I am enough. I have enough. I do enough. . A mantra for freedoom. (at Lethbridge, Alberta) -- source link