Excluding the multiple variant sets, animations, time-lapse videos, live streaming and tutorial vide
Excluding the multiple variant sets, animations, time-lapse videos, live streaming and tutorial videos I’ve made this year. Here’s a summary of the art pieces I was able to create.I feel like I really learned a lot over these past 2-3 years. Looking back on them, I’m happy with the improvement I see throughout all of the pieces. As far as my art goes, it’s improved a lot and gotten a lot closer to what I wanted it to be. I was also able to start studying and learning more things.This was also the worst year for my art to date. There were a lot of challenges and pitfalls and setbacks that happened with it. And a lot of things that just stung. Only getting a shout-out by Zumidraws, and having that not doing anything for me, stung. Getting that like by PlatinumGames, stung. Having so many patrons leave because of C***D and other reasons, stung. Getting “critiques” on shit that I actually started to feel happy with and proud of, immediately after posting them, by lesser artists, stung. Or no interaction at all on the pieces I felt proudest of. Having handfuls of other artist see my stuff and say it’s really good, or it’s polished, or this, or that, stung. The small amount of growth I saw anywhere with anything this year, stung. And the end of all sales at all this year, both stung and f*cked me. Again, most-likely due to C***D as well. Watching yet another group of artists, that started when I did, skyrocket into success, while I stayed in the same place, also stung. Overworking myself into needing muscle relaxants to move again, and having to take March off of art entirely, stung as well. I feel like this year really took what little motivation and hope I had left to keep going and learning and pushing myself forward with it, and just stomped it into the f*cking ground and spit in my face. Leaving this year off I feel like I couldn’t be happier with where I was able to take my art, and at the same time couldn’t be sadder at the immense amount of fuck-all that’s actually done for me over any of these past 13 years. I’m posting this now, because tbh I don’t know if I’ll even have the time to make anymore art the rest of the year. A lot of “work negotiations” left me feeling too stressed out and anxious and upset to focus on anything and took up what time I even had left this month really to work on Jinx. As usual, it looks like I’m just f*cked out of time because of money again, and it looks like the job I’m going to be doing here in December is going to make it almost impossible to have any time free to do much. If that becomes the case, I probably will just be putting Patreon on Hiatus for a bit.I do want to end this by saying Thank You to my patrons though who did stick around during all of this. I honestly don’t think, without them there, and with everything that had happened to just f*ck my motivation this year, I would’ve been able to even keep going. So thank you. Again, it’s partly because of you that these pieces of art were able to get made. I love you all and I hope you stay safe. -- source link