shibari-bun:kitty-porno:Hello there. As you guys may know from past posts, I have a lung disease
shibari-bun: kitty-porno: Hello there. As you guys may know from past posts, I have a lung disease called Cystic Fibrosis. For a couple of months, I basically disappeared from the blog, not really giving anyone an explanation before disappearing. Winter of 2014, through out 2015, and now we’re in March of 2016, things have gotten.. pretty intense with my lungs. My functions are not nearly as good as they were. I know it probably doesn’t sound like anything major, but the top percent that I can get my lungs functioning to is about 73%. The disease is clearly progressing, no matter how many treatments I do or hospital stays with several rounds of IV antibiotics I take. I had to take a break from running this blog simply because so much was going on. Mentally and physically. Since February of 2015 I have grown out MRSA in my lungs. Unfortunately, the medications that I can take I am either highly resistant to, or severely allergic. That’s how it typically is with the bacteria I grow out deep in my lungs. It’s very difficult for me to get everything cleared up, and it’s hard to make it last. To keep myself out of the hospital and maintain a somewhat normal life. I have a part time job that I can barely manage.. Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t been fired yet for how much I miss work. Of course I keep in communication with my manager, but I out from work for MONTHS at a time these days. I can hardly afford to keep food in my kitchen or get the things I need. I’ve needed to get my a/c fixed and the windows fixed on my car forever now, and it’s about to get warmer out. I’m about to be out of work for about another month or more since my lungs are functioning at 58% and I’m trying to pass kidney stones. In a few days, I will actually be getting surgery to remove said stones since they are too big for me to pass and will have to recover in the hospital due to the fact anesthesia makes my lungs kinda sticky and tight, making my functions drop lower. I am very worried about being able to function as a normal adult, and getting things done. My family isn’t much help in the money department because.. well I don’t come from a wealthy family. I really need help, guys. And I absolutely hate asking you, but if there’s any way you could donate just a few dollars, or even share this post to get the word out, I would be forever grateful. I’m so embarrassed that I even have to ask for help, but I am desperate. Anything that you guys can do would be absolutely amazing. Please spread this post like wild fire so I can be stable in the money department for just a little while, until I can maybe get my functions back up into the 80% and work longer than five 3-4 hour shifts at a time. Much love, many thanks, yours truly, Kitty Donate here: Can you guys please help out my lovely friend? She could really use a helping hand -- source link