straighthell-stories:Greg was pissed. I could see that. And hear it, too.“What the fuck,dude,” he
straighthell-stories:Greg was pissed. I could see that. And hear it, too.“What the fuck,dude,” he repeated angrily. “I told youI ain’t into any gay shit. And I sure ashell ain’t into getting my ass banged by some total stranger. Why would you even think I’d be up for that,Randy?”“Well, Greg,you said you were hard up for money, what with your car in the shop and themoney you lost in Vegas last month. AndI figured that with your looks you could make a killing selling your ass. That old guys would be lined up to fuckyou. And they’d pay big money, too. Five hundred a pop, I figured.”“And you thinkthat I’d be willing to do that, bro – bend over and let old farts fuck my ass? You know me, dude. You know I’m just not into making it…withother dudes. And…and renting myself outfor money, why that would….that would make me a….a whore, too. You had to know…you…you had to know….Iwouldn’t agree to that.” I knew that, ofcourse. I knew Greg would neverwillingly bend over and spread ‘em for another guy. Not for five hundred dollars. Not for five thousand. And that’s why I’d taken the precaution ofdropping a roofie into his last beer. And I could tell, just by his broken speech pattern, the way he was everso slightly beginning to slur his words, that the drug was beginning to takeeffect and soon the plan I’d nurtured for years would begin to unfurl. And, if things worked out like I hoped, I’dend up with my studly, totally-straight buddy as my go-to fuck-bitch.“Goddammit,Randy. Goddammit,” he was saying as hebegan to visibly wobble on his feet. “Goddam….” he began again, before he reached down to steady himself. He looked up at me, all confused like. “Jeez, bro,” he said in a quieter voice, “Ifeel real strange all of a sudden. Realstrange.”“Maybe youshould sit down, bro,” I suggested, filling my voice with concern.“Yeah….yeah,”he said, clearly confused now. “Maybe Ishould.”Greg ploppedhimself down on the sofa, clearly trying to figure what was going on. I stood there for a few seconds, looking athim closely. Finally deciding that thedrug was working its magic, I couldn’t help smile. “Here, Greg,” I said, walking up to him. “Let me make you more comfortable.”I reached downand began unclasping his belt. Greglooked up and tried to say something. Itwas obvious that he was having trouble formulating the words but finally hemanaged to croak out, “Whaddya….whaddaya…..”“What am Idoing, bro?” I responded, finishing his question for him. “I’m making you comfortable, Greg. Stripping you down buck naked like the dudewho rented you expects.”“Nnnooo,” hemanaged to eke out, trying to shake his head at the same time. He managed another mumbled ‘nnnnoooo’ as Ipulled his jeans and boxers over his hips and began pulling them down his legs,but Greg was powerless to stop me. I hadto stop when I came to his sneakers but quickly pulled them off and then yankedhis jeans and shorts off his legs. Mybuddy was now completely naked, except for the cap on his head.I paused for amoment to look at my buddy. He had agreat body, no question about that. I’dlusted after it for years and, if anything, it had gotten sexier over time. There was only one flaw in this picture ofsexy male pulchritude, something you wouldn’t notice when he was clothed butthat you couldn’t miss when he was naked – his dick. Though, to be honest, you couldn’t reallycall the little tube of Man-flesh dangling from his groin a dick – it was more likea clit, a dick-clit you could say, maybe an inch and a half long when flaccidand not much bigger when fully erect. It wasn’tsurprising that Greg was sensitive about the size of his ‘manhood.’ It really did look pathetic. And it was almost certainly the reason mystud friend’s sex life was virtually non-existent. Oh, he had no problem picking up girls. Not only did he look great – as long as hewas clothed – but he had an out-going personality that just heightened hisgeneral attractiveness. Things wouldalways go well – until the time came when the girl wanted sex. And then….Well let’s just say that, so far asI could remember, there wasn’t a single one who came back for seconds. And, to be absolutely truthful, I wouldn’teither, not if I was a bottom wanting to get fucked. But the thing is, I’m pretty much anexclusive top and, while Greg’s penis really was pathetic, his ass was trulyspectacular – big, meaty buns with a nice deep cleft between holding a tight,virginal boypussy I was dying to plunder.It was obviousto me, the first time I saw my bro’s tiny package, that the two of us were madefor each other. Not only could I supplythe dick my buddy so sorely lacked, but we got along great together. I knew that if the two of us hooked up,Greg’s long sexual hiatus would be over – I’d be plowing that hot ass of hisevery night, every fucking night. And Iwas sure that, once he got used to it, Greg would really enjoy it, too. But when I broached the possibility of ustrying it out, Greg shot it down out of hand. “Look, Randy,” he said to me, calmly but firmly, “I know you’re gay andI don’t have any problems with it. Noneat all. You’re a cool dude and youreally are my best bro. But I just notsexually attracted to other guys. I haveno desire to fuck some other guy’s ass and I’m certainly not interested inhaving some other dude’s cock rummaging around in my shitter. Sorry, bro, but it just wouldn’t work out.”I wasfrustrated by Greg’s response to my suggestion but, just from the tone of voicehe’d used in rejecting it, I knew better than to press the matter. And for a while, I really did try to put theidea of us two getting it on out of my mind. But, over time, as I saw how frustrated and, at times, embarrassed Gregwas when liaisons with women blew up in his face, I couldn’t help shaking thefeeling that I owed it not only to myself but to Greg , too, to force theissue.I realized,however, that, with all the defenses Greg was likely to throw up, there was noway he’d allow himself to enjoy a single coupling. It was something that would require frequentrepetitions before Greg would be able to admit to himself that he actuallyenjoyed having me fuck him, before he could wrap his mind around the idea thathe wasn’t really a stud, that he was destined to be my bitch. So, while I thought about just slipping him aroofie and having my way with him, I was certain that, when the roofie wore offand Greg understood what had happened, he would in all likelihood sunder anyrelationship he had with me. What Ineeded was a way to force my bro to be my bitch even though he was sure hedidn’t want to be. I was confident that,if I could do that, over time Greg would not only accept his role as afuck-bitch but actually come to enjoy it.Since Greg wasphysically stronger than me, the only way I could see to effectuate my schemewas to blackmail my bro into submitting to me. And that’s how I came up with my plan to drug my bro, bitch him out to atotal stranger, film the entire encounter, and then threaten to expose him toall his straight bros as a faggot fuck-slut. And I was pretty sure that would work because what I had come to realizeafter years of studying him was that while Greg really did have no difficultyaccepting the fact that I was gay, he was super protective of his own image asa straight stud – an image that would be blown to smithereens if a video of himbeing cunted out by an old dude, and which would also show the whole world whata tiny boy-clit he had, were to circulate among his other bros. I didn’t like having to blackmail my best broand I definitely didn’t appreciate that I was going to have to forego theincredible pleasure of busting Greg’s cherry, but I just couldn’t see any otherway.I’d placed anad on craigslist, posing as Greg and offering my ass to any big-dicked dude wholiked to role-play, explaining how I’d always fantasized about being violentlyraped and cunted out while totally restrained. You wouldn’t believe all the responses I got. I culled them down to three and theninterviewed them, presenting myself as Greg’s best friend - which I was. The dude I selected had an eight-inch dick,not the largest one proffered but definitely the thickest. The reason I chose the dude I did, though,was because he was, by far, the least sexually attractive of the three. He was in his mid-sixties, grossly overweight,and he had a face that could, as the old expression goes, stop a clock. I knew Greg was going to be incrediblyhumiliated when he saw this dude fucking him on the video I’d be making and Iwas sure that he’d do anything to keep me from spreading it around to hisfriends. Anything, including becoming myfuck-bitch. And the clincher for the olddude was that he was perfectly willing to let me film the whole sexual encounter– provided I gave him a copy of the video when it was all over. I wasn’t too keen on that, but he promisedthat he wouldn’t post it on the internet. I made him sign an agreement to that effect and threatened to sue him ifhe violated it. I figured he’d probablyshow the video to his friends, but it wasn’t likely that any of those oldcodgers would be running in the same circles as Greg’s bros. It was the best arrangement I could makeunder the circumstances but, still, I wasn’t too happy knowing that there wasgoing to be a video I had no control over floating around out there showingGreg getting the bejesus fucked out of him, but it was a risk I figured I hadto take. Anyway, thedude was scheduled to come by in half an hour and I needed to get Greg intoposition for his deflowering. I reacheddown and hauled my buddy onto his feet. He was able to stand, if just barely. With me guiding him and pretty much holding him up, we managed tostumble into Greg’s bedroom where I deposited him on his bed. I ran back to my bag and got the four sets ofrope I’d already cut. When I got back tohis bedroom, I tied Gregs wrists to the bottom of the headboard and then hisankles to the top. Greg just laid there,not resisting but not helping either, and it took some time to get his legsproperly positioned. But when I wasfinished and stood back to take a look, I’ve got to admit he looked really hot– his succulent ass in the air, his legs spread wide apart exposing hispristine anal opening for the whole world to see. I hurried back to the bag and picked up thegag and the lube.I wasn’t happyhaving to gag my buddy. But, with himbeing a virgin and everything and the dude who was going to fuck him havingsuch a big cock, I figured I didn’t have any choice. Even in his drugged-out state, the experiencewas bound to be really painful and I didn’t want Greg’s screams alerting hisneighbors as to what was happening in Greg’s bedroom. It would have been really hot hearing my brogroaning and begging the dude to stop fucking him, but that was one pleasure I decidedI had to forego.Once I got thegag firmly in place, though, I moved on to lubing Greg’s hole. I did a real good job of that, I must say,even though it was surprisingly hard getting my first finger up his hole, despitethe fact that it was totally coated with lube. I have to say I really enjoyed finger-fuckingmy long-time buddy, too. It wasn’t asexciting as popping his cherry with my cock would have been, but it wassomething special knowing that I was the first dude to finger-fuck him, thefirst dude to explore his pristine nether regions where no man had been before.I’d just gottenmy third finger up his hole and was busy massaging Greg’s prostate to hisobvious discomfort and excitement when I heard a hard rapping at the frontdoor. I reluctantly withdrew my hand fromthe furnace of my bro’s back entryway and went out to greet my buddy’sdeflowerer.Even though Ihad met with him just a few days earlier, I was stunned by how physicallyunattractive the man was. It was almosta certainty that this was the only time in the dude’s life that he was havingsex without having to pay for it. And,looking at the man, I realized that I won’t agree to have sex with him nomatter how much he paid me. Fortunatelyfor him, however, Greg wasn’t going to have any say in the matter. “Your friendready”” he asked, once he was in the apartment.“Yeah,” Ireplied easily. “He’s in the bedroom,all trussed-up like we talked about.”“And you’regonna film it all?”“Yeah,” Iresponded, “just like we discussed.”“Well, remember,I want a copy of it when it’s over.”“Noproblem. Just so it’s understood it’snot going up on the internet.”“I have nointerest in posting a video like that on the internet.”“Well, just soyou know, I’m going to have the only other copy and if I ever see it on theinternet, I’m gonna come looking for you. And there’s criminal laws out there, now, that deal with theunauthorized dissemination of sexually explicit films and photos. And, just so we’re clear, you’re notauthorized to disseminate it in any way.”“I told youthat I wasn’t going to post it,” the dude responded, his pig-eyes flashing inanger. “I already told you that.”I could see thedude was pissed off by my tone of voice, but I didn’t give a fuck. I didn’t want this video on the internet – atleast not before I’d trained my buddy up right. Besides, if the old fucker was pissed, he’d probably take it out onGreg’s pussy which would make for a hotter film.“Just so we’reclear,” I finished, noting that this seemed to anger him off even more. I managed to stifle a smile as I turned thesubject to the present. “Okay, now ifyou want to remove your clothes, we can go get started.” Normally, I would have enjoyed focusing onGreg’s horrified face as the man disrobed in front of him, revealing not onlyhis repulsive body but his out-sized penis. But, seeing how Greg was pretty much out-of-it, that would be a waste oftime. Instead, I planned on starting thevideo with the dude walking into the room, already naked and hard, so that thecamera could get an accurate idea of just what type of man was about to bust mymuscled-up bro’s cherry fuck-hole.“Whatever,” thedude said, and started stripping. Oncehe was naked, I have to admit I was surprised. Not by his body which was as unappetizing as I had expected. It was his cock that surprised me. He’d shown me a picture of it during ourinterview and I had been impressed by its size. But, seeing it in the flesh, fully aroused by the prospect of fucking mybro, it seemed much larger and far more menacing. While it tapered down a little before flaringback up at the crown, it really was as thick as a beer can for the bulk of itslength. It was the type of cock thatcould do a lot of damage to any fuck-hole, particularly a cherry one, and I wasjust glad that it wasn’t my ass that was going to be its target.“Okay,” I said,once he was completely naked. “Give me acouple minutes to get the cameras set up and then come on in. Once inside, it’s your show. Have fun with my buddy however you want.”“Don’t worryabout that,” he responded with a sick smile that would have chilled Greg to thebone if he could see it. “I’m going tohave lots of fun with your buddy. Lotsof fun.”While I wasplanning on recording the whole session on my smart phone, I’d also broughtover a video camera which I set up on Greg’s dresser pointed down towards theheadboard so it could record Greg’s reactions as he was cunted-out for thefirst time. Then, I pointed my phonetowards the door and set it record. “Come on in,” I shouted. A momentlater, the dude was walking through the door. And the show was on.And it waseverything I could have hoped for. Rightoff the bat, as he made his way towards the bed, the dude glanced down and sawGreg’s little clit. He actually startedlaughing. “Holy Fuck!” heexclaimed. “No wonder this dude likestaking it up his pussy. My thumb isbigger than his little dickie is. Fuck,they should just cut it off and give him a pussy in front to go with the one inback. At least that way, he couldservice two Real Men at the same time, and no one would notice the lossanyway.”I immediatelyturned my phone towards Greg’s groin, zooming in on his tiny wiener which was lyinghard as a rock across his belly. Itreally was pathetic and the old, fat dude was right. His thumb was bigger than Greg’sboy-clit. But even as I was filmingGreg’s tiny member, it was disappearing from view. The dude had trundled himself up onto the bedand as he positioned his massive fuck-stick just outside my buddy’s pristinehole, the cascading rolls of fat tumbling down from his belly literally coveredup Greg’s boner. “Braceyourself, boy,” the dude sneered. “You’re about to get fucked by a real Man-cock.” And then, like a bull, he just pounded hisway all the way inside my buddy’s virgin fuck-chute.Greg had beenplacidly lying on the bed during all of this. Though his eyes were opened and he was seemingly staring forward, it waspretty obvious that he didn’t really comprehend what was going on. But all that ended the moment the fat dudejammed his cock up Greg’s shitter. Greg’seyes got big as saucers and the shriek of raw agony that erupted from histhroat was only partially muffled by the gag in his mouth. And immediately, he began struggling with hisbonds, writhing and squirming on the bed, trying desperately to dislodge therampaging cock that was making mincemeat out of his entire anal passageway.Greg’s effortsto stop the assault on his pussy amused and excited the man fucking him. And, in any event, they were totallyineffectual. The man just kept poundingaway at Greg’s hole, ravaging it with one hard thrust after another, batteringit into submission. Soon, loud raspberryfarts began filling the air as he began deep-dicking Greg, pulling his bloatedfuck-pole all the way out of Greg’s fluttering boycunt only to barrel back ineven before the battered sphincter could succeed in closing. Greg’s head waswhipping back and forth against the pillows propping it up, guttural groansescaping from the gag, tears just streaming down his face, as the assault onhis no longer virgin boy-hole went on and on. While I really was sorry to see my buddy in such obvious pain, I toldmyself that it couldn’t be helped; that, in the long run, what was happening tohim now was all for the good. After all,you couldn’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. Yet, even as I sympathized with what Greg wassuffering, there was a part of me that couldn’t deny that it was hot as hellwatching my buddy getting so thoroughly bitched-out. My own cock was like a tube of iron in myshorts.I’ve got togive the old fucker credit. For someoneas old and out of shape as he so clearly was, he had remarkable stamina. He pounded my buddy a good thirty minutes,his massive body just dripping sweat from his exertions, before he finally gothis nut, throwing Greg a last barrage of ass-splitting thrusts that had myfriend screeching again through his gag. And then he just collapsed on my bro’s body. He just laythere, his flab pretty much covering Greg’s body, breathing heavily butotherwise inert. I was about to stopfilming when I suddenly saw an unmistakable twitch work through his massivebuttocks. It was followed by another andthen another. And, then, almost before Icould figure out what was happening, he was fucking Greg again.The second fucktook a lot longer than the first and though it was visibly less violent it was,judging from Greg’s reaction on the bed, just as painful for my bro. And this time, after the old dude finallyshot his load, he tumbled forward with such force that I was afraid he’d had aheart attack. Fortunately, the way hewas gasping for air, it was obvious that he was still alive. I let the old fucker just lie there for tenminutes, waiting for him to get up until it dawned on me that he was soexhausted that he wasn’t physically able to – not without help anyway.Like I said,I’m in pretty good shape myself, but it took all of my strength to get him backto his feet and, by the time I did, I was almost as covered in his perspirationas Greg was. “Jesus Christ,’ he finallymanaged to croak out as he stood there swaying in front of the bed. “That was the best sex of my life.” Just looking at the dude, I had no doubt thathe was telling me the truth.It took closeto half-an-hour to get the old fucker dressed and out of the apartment and hemade sure to make me promise again to send him his copy of the video I’dmade. We were at the front door when heturned to me and said, “if your buddy ever wants to get fucked again, I’mdefinitely available.” I didn’t want totell the dude that there wasn’t a chance in hell that he’d be coming back, thatif anyone else was going to be fucking Greg, it was going to be me, so I justsmiled and shook my head agreeably. Andthen I ushered him out.When I got backto Greg’s bedroom, I took a few minutes footage just showing the aftermath ofmy buddy’s deflowering – the swollen, abraded fuck-lips; the slow dribble ofspent spunk out of his ravaged boy-cunt. And it was while I was moving in for a close-up of Greg’s ravagedshitter that I noticed that his ass-cleft wasn’t the only part of his body thatwas scuzzed up. Just above Greg’s crotchthere was an obvious pool of drying ball-juice.Now I know thatrepeated proddings of the prostate excites a dude’s cock even when he’s not allthat into getting fucked. But,considering how violently Greg was being fucked, I found it remarkable thathe’d shot a load of Man-seed not just once but multiple times. And I could tell it was multiple times justby the size of the drying pools of cum. Greg’s balls were a perfect match for his tiny cock and there was no wayhe could produce as much cream as was drying on his belly from a singleorgasm. My bro had nutted multiple timeswhile getting the bejesus fucked out of him and I figured that had to meansomething. Anyway, I knew he’d beincredibly humiliated when he realized he’d cum while being fucked, so I tookplenty of footage of his drying babymakers.I knew it wouldbe a while before Greg regained full consciousness, so I untied his legs and letthem flop down onto the bed. I left hisarms restrained, though, because I knew he was going to be absolutely furiouswhen he discovered what had happened and I needed to survive long enough toconvince him that killing me was not his best option. I thought about cleaning up his ravaged pussybut decided against it. I didn’t wantthere to be any doubt in his mind that he’d been fucked and he might try toconvince himself that the video I had was simply the product of expertphoto-shopping. But there’d be no wayhe’d be able to explain away his man-cunt dribbling spent spooge.It took Greg agood four hours before he began to stir. At first, he was just moaning and whimpering but soon he began twistingand shaking his body almost as if he was trying to buck someone off him duringsome nightmarish dream. It was maybe anhour after that started that it became obvious Greg was beginning to regainfull consciousness. I had pulled up achair so I was sitting right next to the bed when his eyes suddenly popped openand he turned towards me. It took him afew seconds to focus but, once he did, he mumbled out a “Jesus, Randy, I feellike shit. What the fuck happened?”“A lot,” Isimply replied, waiting for my bro to fully comprehend his presentsituation. That didn’t take long inhappening. He tried to bring his righthand towards his head which was, of course, impossible since his wrists werestill tied to the corner of the bed. Hetried again and then looked over and saw the ropes coiled around his wrist. “What the fuck,” he exclaimed, obviouslyupset. “Why am I tied up?” And then, as he struggled frantically to freehimself he happened to glance down at his body. “Motherfuck!” he shouted at me. “Why am I naked? What the fuck’sgoing on, Randy? What the fuck’s goingon?”“Calm down,Greg,” I soothed. “Calm down. We’ve got things to talk over.”“Untie me,goddammit,” Greg demanded, twisting and turning on the bed as he tried to freehimself of the restraints. “Untie me, Randy. Now.” He was writhing around onthe bed, trying his damnedest to free himself and, I have to say, watching hismuscles straining against the ropes pinioning him was really hot. Greg had been basically out of it when I tiedhim up and restraining him had just seemed a prudent precaution, but seeing himstruggling against his bondage dramatically brought home how vulnerable hereally was. And I was surprised howturned on I was by the realization that I could pretty much do anything Iwanted to him. I could rape him if Iwanted to and he couldn’t stop me and just knowing that made my cock throb inmy jeans.Greg keptstruggling for a few more minutes but eventually, having discovered that evenwith all his muscularity he wasn’t going to break the bonds, he gave up. He was lying there, glaring at me, when aloud raspberry fart erupted from his ass, followed immediately by a majoreffusion of the old dude’s ball juice. Immediately, Greg’s face turned a scarlet red but, as the nature of hisanal discharge became apparent, his embarrassment was overtaken by horrifiedshock. He turned towards me. “You didn’t….you couldn’t…you didn’t fuck me,did you, Randy? Is that what youdid? You fucked me?”“No, Greg,” Ireplied, knowing the moment of truth had arrived. “I didn’t fuck you. Somebody else did.”“What? What?” Greg screamed at me as he returned to frantically trying to free himselffrom the ropes. “I’m gonna kill you,Randy. I’m gonna fucking kill you.”I let Gregstruggle until sheer exhaustion finally caused him to stop. He looked at me, his face still suffused withraw rage, “You’re gonna have to let me go, eventually, Randy, and when you do,I am gonna kill you.”It wascertainly a little disconcerting, if not totally surprising, to hear my buddypromise to kill me, but I’d definitely gone too far to turn back now. So I went ahead with my plans. “Calm down, Greg,” I replied. “I know you’d probably like to kill me rightnow – you’ve made that pretty clear – but there’s something I want you towatch.” And with that I picked up my iPhoneand moved over to the bed. Greg shied awayfrom me as I sat down next to him, not surprisingly considering what I’d justdone to him, but I ignored his reaction, flipped on the play button and let theten-minute compilation that I’d prepare start playing out.It began with along panning shot of Greg trussed up on the bed, his body naked, his legsspread far apart to reveal his then-virgin boy-hole. ‘You motherfucker,’ Greg muttered as he sawhimself displayed like a piece of raw meat. But then that picture dissolved and the old dude appeared on the screenin all his naked repulsiveness. And asGreg took in the scene on the screen, he audibly groaned. ‘Oh, God,’ he exclaimed. ‘You let this guy…you let this guy fuckme? Oh my God. No. Please, no.” Then, as the camerazoomed in on the huge, disgusting piece of Man-meat dangling below the dude’sbulging belly, I felt the bed beginning to shake. ‘Oh, fuck,’ Greg moaned. ‘He’s hung like a fucking horse. Oh, no. Oh, fuck.’Then, as Greg’sfucker approached his bed, the fat dude could be heard laughing as he said ‘HolyFuck! No wonder this dude likes takingit up his pussy. My thumb is bigger thanhis little dickie is. Fuck, they shouldjust cut it off and give him a pussy in front to go with the one in back. At least that way, he could service two RealMen at the same time, and no one would notice the loss anyway.’ Immediately,the camera cut to Greg’s little clit, visually underlining the massivedisparity in size between the old dude’s fuck-stick and Greg’s little wienie.At this point,Greg’s entire body flushed a brilliant scarlet and his legs seemed to scrunchup together as if trying to hide his tiny dick from view. And as I looked at Greg’s face while hewatched the video, seemingly transfixed by the screen, a single tear seeped outof his right eye. The old dude’s commenthad cut him where he was most vulnerable, cut him deep and then turned theknife. I knew it would be a long time –if ever – before Greg would forget the scorn and amusement in the old fucker’s voice. And while I was sorry to be the precipitantof my bro’s total humiliation, I kept telling myself that, in the long run, itwas all for the best.Greg literallycringed on the bed as the old fucker climbed onto it in the video and he issueda muffled shriek as he watched himself getting penetrated for the first time. I had watched the dude as he fucked my buddyand it had been brutal. But, seeing iton the screen seemed to make it even more violent and as Greg watched it forthe first time I could see him literally cringing every time his poor ass tooka particularly vicious thrust. When theold dude picked up the pace even more as he approached his first orgasm, Icould hear little moans escaping from Greg. And when the dude finally shot his load and then let his massive bulkcollapse on the raped boy, I heard Greg mumbling ‘Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck.’In reality, theold dude had taken his time recovering from his exertions, but I had cut mostof that out of the adumbrated version, so it only seemed a minute or two beforehe stirred himself and started going at Greg’s pussy again. On the bed, watching it now, Greg couldn’thide his shock. ‘You…you let him fuck meagain. You let him do that to me. Oh, fuck.’ And then Greg started crying.Greg criedpretty much all the way through his second cunting-out. And when, after this second brutal fuck, theold dude finally pulled his massive dong out of Greg’s ravaged hole and Gregsaw the way his formerly tight asshole just gaped open, the ass-lips swollenand bruised, a trickle of the dude’s ball slime dribbling down onto Greg’staint, he audibly sobbed. ‘How could youdo this to me, Randy?’ he asked, not even able to bring himself to look me inthe face. ‘How could you let him fuck melike that, like I was some animal? Youwere supposed to be my friend. How couldyou do this to me?’I stopped thereplay and put my phone aside. Then Itook a deep breath and I began the explanation I’d so long prepared in my mind.“I know rightnow, Greg, that you’re hurting. And Iknow you think I’ve betrayed you in the most disgusting way imaginable. And I’m sorry I had to do that. I am. But I think I needed to do what I did – for your own good.” “For my owngood?” Greg tried to interrupt me, obviously furious. But I cut him off by slapping him hard. “Don’t interrupt me, boy,” I growled. The shock on Greg’s face was obvious. I don’t think he’d ever been bitch-slapped likethat before. I’m sure that If he hadn’tbeen restrained, he would have strangled me right there, but he was restrained. And he knew it. So he just lay there glaring at me. But he didn’t interrupt me again.“Yeah, for yourown good, Greg,” I repeated. “Look, bro,you’re a good-looking dude. Fuck, you’rehot as shit. But how’s your sex lifebeen? I’ll tell you – a total zip. Oh, yeah, you’ve got no trouble meeting girls– or getting them to come home with you, too. But how many repeat performances do they come back for? Nada. And we both know why that is. It’s because of that tiny little dick you’ve got between your legs. You need to face facts, Greg. You ain’t ever gonna please a woman with alittle nub like you’ve got. Ever.”“Oh, yeah. We’ve all heard the old saw – it’s not whatyou’ve got, it’s how you use it. Andthere’s probably some truth to that. But, dude, you still have to have something real between your legs touse. And, as crude as he was, that oldfucker had it right, as far as girls are concerned you might as well have apussy between your legs for all the pleasure your little clit can provide them.”I could see howembarrassed Greg was as I went on about how pathetically small his dickwas. He was blushing a brilliant redand, probably unconsciously, he’d again brought his legs together as if to hidehis little clit. But it was time tofinally bring everything out in the open, so I pressed on.“Greg, thesimple truth of the matter is you’re never, never going to find a woman who’llwant to hook up with you on a permanent basis. At least not any woman who has the slightest interest in sex. As far as women are concerned, you’re lookingat a totally sexless future.”“But it doesn’thave to be that way, Greg. There’splenty of guys around, guys like me, who wouldn’t give a damn about how smallyour little boy clit is, who look at you, at your hot body, at your great ass,and who’d love to have sex with you, who’d love to fuck you, to take you on asexual joy-ride that would leave you gasping in pleasure. You don’t have to give up on sex, Greg. You just have to look for it in a differentway.”I knew whatGreg’s rejoinder was going to be, so I paused to let him voice it. “Fuck, that shit, Randy,” he said withvehemence. “I don’t have the slightestinterest in having sex with other dudes. And I definitely don’t want to get fucked, like you let that old guy doto me. I can’t believe you let him dothat to me. I can’t believe you set meup the way you did. I’m fucking gonnakill you when I get out of these ropes, Randy. I’m fucking gonna kill you.”I ignoredGreg’s threats and went on. “You knowwhat I think, Greg. I think your wholelife you’ve been embarrassed by how small your dick is – fuck, let’s call it aclit, because that’s what it really is, a little clit. Your whole life you’ve been embarrassed byyour little clit and, because of that, you tried to project as macho anattitude as possible and you convinced yourself that the last thing you everwanted to do was make it with another dude, with a dude who had a real cockbetween his legs. Because you wereafraid that if you did, if you had sex with another dude, if you let anotherdude fuck you, you’d enjoy it. And that,together with your small clit, would mean you were a faggot, a pussyboy. And you didn’t want to face thatpossibility.”Greg’s eyeswere flashing daggers as he sputtered, “You saw it, Randy. You saw how even drugged out like I was I wasthrashing around in pain as that bastard fucked me. I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t enjoy it at all.”“Oh, you werein pain alright, Greg,” I retorted. “Noquestion about that. That dude wasreally hung and you were a virgin and he fucked the living crap out ofyou. And it hurt, hurt a lot, I’msure. But that doesn’t mean you didn’tenjoy it, that you weren’t sexually turned on by being fucked.”“Bullshit,”Greg replied. “I hated it and you knowthat.”“What I know,”I responded picking up my phone, “Is that you don’t know what you enjoy, whatturns you on. Look at this, Greg. Look at this.”I held thephone in front of Greg’s face. “Look atyour belly, bro,” I ordered, harshly. “Seeall that white crud. That’s cum – yourcum. You creamed yourself, boy, whilethat old dude was fucking you. And,judging by the volume, more than once, too. You may have been writhing around on the bed in pain as that old fuckercored a cunt out of your asshole, but you had yourself two or three orgasms ashe fucked you. So don’t tell me that youdidn’t enjoy getting fucked. Theevidence is right there. Right in frontof your face.”And even asGreg was looking at the video, it zoomed in to his stomach, and there was noquestion that what he was looking at was drying cum, drying cum shot from hisown nads. Greg started cryingagain. “Why are you doing this to me,Randy?” he asked in a plaintive voice. “What did I ever do to you?”I softened myvoice. “Like I said, bro, I didn’t dothis to hurt you. I did it to make yousee yourself for what you truly are. Ithink, Greg, that I could make you happy. I could give you a sex life you could really enjoy?”“Are you out ofyour mind, Randy,” Greg almost shouted at me. “Are you out of your fucking mind? You’d have to be if you think that after what you did to me, getting medrugged up and then letting that disgusting dude fuck me, that I’m gonna everhook up with you. Even if I was theworld’s biggest flaming faggot, you’re the last dude in the world I’d want asmy boyfriend. The fucking last dude.”I had beenprepared for this response. Right then,I was sure I really was the last person in the world that Greg would willinglyhook up with. But I wasn’t planning ongiving Greg a choice. It was time to layall my cards on the table and that’s what I did.“Greg, you needto understand one thing clearly,” I began. “I’m not interested in having you as my boyfriend. I want you as my bitch, as my fuck-bitch whobends over when I tell him, who drops to his knees when I give him the word,who does everything I tell him to – and I do mean EVERYTHING - without anyhesitation. That’s what I want.”“And no, Greg,”I quickly continued, forestalling any interruption, “I don’t expect you towillingly agree to it. But I do thinkyou will agree to it when you realize that, if you don’t, every person you know– all your friends, your family, your coworkers – is going to be receivingtheir own personal copy of the video you just watched. Everyone you know will see you not only beingcunted out by that old dude, they’ll see the cum on your belly that you shotwhile you were being fucked. And, Greg,they’ll all see your pathetic little clit in all its glory and they’ll figure,they all will figure, that it’s no wonder you spread your legs for other dudesseeing how ill-equipped you really are to function as a Real Man. And you’ll become an object of pity and mirthto everyone you know and some friends will start shunning you and others willcome on to you, figuring a dude like you would welcome being fucked by any RealMan. And your reputation as a macho manthat you’ve built up over all these years will seem like a sick joke to all ofthem and you’ll be embarrassed every time you meet anyone you know. And because that’s what you face unless youaccept my proposal, you’re gonna agree right now to becoming my fuck-bitch.”Greg just laythere, obviously stunned, as I finished. “You’d do that, Randy?” he finally asked, his voice almostbreaking. “You’d send that disgustingvideo to my friends – to my family? You’d do that knowing it would destroy my whole life?”“Yeah, I’d dothat, Greg,” I assured my buddy, my voice hard. “I made up my mind to do that if I had to before I even set this wholething up. I’ve gone too far to backdown. You either agree to become myfuck-bitch or I’ll make it so that the only way you’ll ever have sex again isby agreeing to become some other dude’s fuck-bitch, because that’s basicallywhat’s going to happen once everyone sees this video. But I’ll give you this, Greg. If you agree to become my fuck-bitch, agreeto do everything I tell you to for the next year – and you live up to your sideof the bargain – I’ll destroy this video at the end of the year and then it’llbe totally up to you whether you want to continue as my fuck-bitch. That’s the deal on the table, Greg. It’s either that or I send the video out toevery one of your contacts. So what’s itgonna be, bro? Are you gonna be myfuck-bitch for the next year or not?”Greg lay silenton the bed for the longest time, staring off into the distance, tears gatheringin his eyes, as he processed everything I had just told him. And then, haltingly, he spoke, “the deal…thedeal is that I’m your fuck-bitch for a year and that after the year you’lldestroy the tape?”“Yep, that’sthe deal,” I agreed.“And you won’ttell anyone I’m your fuck-bitch during the first year, is that part of it?”“I’ll make thatpromise, Greg. I won’t tell anyoneyou’re my fuck-bitch during the first year.”“I’ll do it,”Greg finally said after another long pause. “You’re a sick motherfucker, Randy, but I’ll do it.”I tried to keepmyself calm even though an incredible euphoria was gripping me. “Just so we’re clear, Greg,” I said. “You’re agreeing to being my fuck-bitch forthe next year, you’re agreeing to doing whatever I tell you, is that right?”“Yeah, that’sright,” he responded sullenly.“Then say it,”I ordered. “Say you agree to being myfuck-bitch, to doing whatever I tell you.”The two of uslocked eyes for a long moment and then, slowly as if the words were beingdragged out from the depth of his soul, Greg said. “I’ll…I’ll be your fuck-bitch, Randy, for thenext year and I’ll do whatever you tell me to do.”I reachedforward to finally untie Greg’s hands, but as I did so, I gave him awarning. “I know right now you probably dowant to kill me. Fuck, you’ve alreadysaid as much. But, understand one thing,Greg. I’ve set my system up so that thevideo of you and the old dude goes out to all your contacts in twenty-fourhours unless I punch in a code to stop it. So, if you have any ideas that taking care of me will solve yourproblems, they won’t.”Just looking athis reaction to this last piece of information, it was obvious that Greg had atleast considered the possibility of reneging on his agreement. “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you,Randy,” he said, bitterly. “You’ve beenplanning this for a long time, haven’t you?”“Yeah, I have,Greg,” I admitted. “I have.”Once his handswere free, Greg started rubbing the wrists where the ropes had abradedthem. He looked up at me.“Well,” he saidlooking up at me, his anger still red-hot, “what’s next?”“What’s next?”I repeated. “What’s next is I fuckyou. What did you think? So get your legs up in the air, boy, andspread your cheeks apart.”“You’re reallygonna do this, Randy? You’re reallygoing to fuck me?” he asked as if he still just couldn’t wrap his head aroundwhat was about to happen.“Of course, I’mgonna fuck you, boy,” I replied, allowing myself to grin, my voice almost feralwith lust. “I’m gonna be fucking you allthe time. And I’m gonna start rightnow. So get those muscled legs of yoursup into the air. Now, boy. Now!”Slowly, Gregraised his legs up, glaring at me as he did it.“Okay, boy,reach down and spread those cheeks apart and show me your pussy,” I ordered.Blushing now,he did just that. In the hours since theold dude had popped his cherry, the hole itself had finally closed, but theass-lips were still puffed and swollen and there was a moistened area on Greg’staint that showed he was still leaking some of the man’s ball-slime. Greg was clearly no longer a virgin but Ifigured he would still be super-tight and, as I was soon to find out, he was.I fucked Gregthree times that first day, though I did give him a break between the secondand third fuck. And, surprisingly,considering how the old dude had fucked the hell out Greg’s virgin ass justhours before, Greg’s pussy was as tight as any I’d ever fucked. Of even greater interest to me was the factthat, despite the fact that Greg obviously hated getting fucked, his littleclit was hard as an iron during our sessions together and he shot his own loadfour times – four times – while I was dicking him. It was an incredible turn-on seeing him cumwhile I was nailing his straight ass, an incredible turn-on. And his abject embarrassment every time heshot off was just icing on the cake.I kept Gregnaked the entire weekend, letting him know that that’s the way he’d always bewhen he was home and it was the two of us. He looked at me quizzically and that’s when I let him know that I’d bemoving in with him the next week. “Afterall, boy,” I explained, “training up a bitch properly is full-time work and Ifully intend to train you up right. SoI’m gonna be living right here, with you.”“But,” heprotested, “this is a one-bedroom apartment and my bed’s only a double.” “That’s noproblem, boy,” I assured him. “Adouble’s more than enough for me.” Seeinghis confusion, I explained, “I’ll be fucking you on the bed, alright, butyou’ll be sleeping on the floor from now on – where bitches always sleep.” If looks could kill, I would have been deadright there, and it was all I could do to keep from laughing out loud at hisbarely suppressed fury.On Saturday, Imade him shave his pubes and pit-hair. Greg didn’t like that. He didn’t like that at all. And he let me know what he thought of thatidea. But he quickly learned that I’dbeen dead serious when I’d warned him that I expected him to do whatever he wastold without objection. The look on hisface when I ordered him over my lap and told him I was going to spank him waspriceless. ‘You are one sickmotherfucker,’ he said as he settled in over my knees, his anger almostpalpable. Ten minutes later, though, hisanger had been beaten out of him and he was begging me not to spank himanymore. When I finally did stop, he wassobbing like a little boy, promising that he’d behave himself, that he’d dowhat he was told without any backtalk. Halfand hour later, when he came back to the bedroom, having shaved his pubes andpit-hair and I told him I expected him to keep them shaved smooth from now on,he simply shook his head ‘yes.’By the time theweekend was over, he’d learned to call me ‘Master,’ that fuck-bitches never saton furniture, never covered themselves up even when fully erect, and alwaysasked for permission whenever they needed to use the facilities. And. once I did move in permanently. I beganhis re-education in earnest.Now, threemonths into our new relationship, Greg has pretty much learned all the basicsof his life as a fuck-bitch He’s learned to drink my piss whenever I needto take a leak. He’s learned how to usehis tongue when he’s cleaning out my asshole, getting it all the way up myshit-chute no matter how noxious the odors assailing his nose. He’s learned to eat his meals out a dog bowl,like an animal. And he’s learned tonever, ever contradict me when I give him an order, no matter how embarrassingor humiliating it might be, but to just do what he’s told ‘like a good littlebitch.’Greg’s learnedall these lessons. But I’m still notsure he’s learned the most important lesson of all – that this is the life hewas always destined to live, that being my sex slave is the best thing thatever happened to him. While he’sdefinitely learned not to verbalize any of his resentment, I still occasionallysee the fire in his eyes whenever he’s tasked with a particularly humiliatingservice. I have obtained his outwardobedience but I’ve not yet seen the inner subservience that will mark my totalvictory. But I’m gettingthere. I can see that in small, littleways - the way Greg tightens his cunt when I’m fucking him without being toldto; the way he moans in real pleasure when I work his prostate to the pointwhere he cums uncontrollably; the way his face lights up with gratitude when Icongratulate him for exceptional service. I don’t think the sex is a problem anymore. Now, it’s simply wrapping his mind around thetotal subservience to another male. That’s what he’s having trouble with. But I have nine more months before Greg gets to make the choice ofcontinuing as my bitch, my sex slave, or ending our time together. And Increasingly I’m confident he’ll make theright choice – for me and for him. Time will tell,as it always does. But, until then, nomatter what his decision may ultimately be, I’m gonna enjoy the hell out of hissweet pussy. In fact, I think I’ll go dothat right now. -- source link
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