wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 

wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job. 
wondersmith-and-sons: The only thing that stays the same is he gets the easy job.