comparativetarot:Justice.Art by Liz Landis, from The Prism Tarot. Unbiased Equity“The double-edged b
comparativetarot:Justice.Art by Liz Landis, from The Prism Tarot. Unbiased Equity“The double-edged blade of truth rests,sheathed within the throat of Justice.They perform a balancing act,a display of faith and focus,a protest for fairness,with awarenessof the potential price of their valiance.With one hand on mercyand the other on severitythey bridge the gap with mildnessand cannot be moved.”Where the Wheel of Fortune was propelled by karma and cycles, Justice is driven by fairness, truth, and established laws. A figure stands between the twin pillars once again, they are mildness balanced between mercy and severity. They carefully swallow the sword of truth, aware of the fact that with one false move their life could be in danger. Justice rarely comes easily. One must be focused on the truth, firm in their decisions, and aware of the consequences of their actions. The wings represent spirituality, divine intervention, and divine consequences.This card is ruled by Libra.In a reading, this card can be a sign that justice is imminent in regards to an uncertain situation in your life. Depending on what side of justice you are on this could be a good or bad thing. However, justice is always fair and unbiased, so the consequences for your actions will not be overly severe. If you are currently trying to make a life-altering decision, it asks you to act according to your inner compass and meditate on the possible consequences. Always focus on the truth, even if that truth is hard to swallow.The reversed may reflect that your inner sense of justice is thrown off. You may have done something you feel bad about or you may just be losing faith in old beliefs. It may also suggest that you need to overcome personal biases and look at a situation more objectively. It asks you to own up to any wrong doings, but also don’t be too hard on yourself. Outwardly, there may be a situation in your life where justice is being impeded. -- source link