misterhippity: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences announced yesterday that Brian Cull
misterhippity: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences announced yesterday that Brian Cullinan and Martha Ruiz will no longer work at the Oscars. Yet as of Noon EDT today (March 2), Cullinan and Ruiz are still featured in a flattering “Our balloting leaders” section of PwC.com’s Oscars page: http://www.pwc.com/us/en/pwc-and-the-oscars.html#/ I wonder how long it will take for someone at PwC to notice this and take the stuff about Cullinan and Ruiz off that page? It’s now one week later (March 8), and the the flattering “Our balloting leaders” features on Cullinan and Ruiz still haven’t been taken down from PwC’s website: http://www.pwc.com/us/en/pwc-and-the-oscars.html#/ -- source link