bl-ossomed:“We were told we were fighting terrorists. The real terrorist was me. The real terroris
bl-ossomed: “We were told we were fighting terrorists. The real terrorist was me. The real terrorism is this occupation.“ Mike prysner - US soldier fought in Iraq 2003. “قالوا لنا أننا جئنا لنحارب الإرهاب، الإرهابي الحقيقي هو أنا والإرهاب الحقيقي هو هذا الإحتلال” مايك برسنر - جندي أمريكي قاتل أثناء الإحتلال الأمريكي للعراق 2003. Reality vs. Hollywood’s propaganda Reality vs American Sniper this made me teary eyed this hit me, wow i reblog this at least twice a week -- source link