artisticdepiction:Shoda Koho, 1871 - 1946Canal Under the MoonlightOhashi Bridge at AtakoStars Over L

artisticdepiction:Shoda Koho, 1871 - 1946Canal Under the MoonlightOhashi Bridge at AtakoStars Over L
artisticdepiction:Shoda Koho, 1871 - 1946Canal Under the MoonlightOhashi Bridge at AtakoStars Over L
artisticdepiction:Shoda Koho, 1871 - 1946Canal Under the MoonlightOhashi Bridge at AtakoStars Over L
artisticdepiction:Shoda Koho, 1871 - 1946Canal Under the MoonlightOhashi Bridge at AtakoStars Over L