Thank you very much for everyone’s feedback over the last few days! I greatly appreciate your suppor
Thank you very much for everyone’s feedback over the last few days! I greatly appreciate your support for this upcoming change. I am sad to leave Tumblr behind, but I am glad so many of you are willing to follow me off-site! I will answer any questions and suggestions that I received over the next few days. I cannot respond to all of the supportive messages individually - but please know that I have read and immensely appreciate every single one! I was concerned that the announcement would not fly very well, and I am very happy to see that those concerns were unfounded. I am very happy and lucky to have such an audience![have some tat from Twitter] This will be the final art-related post on extra-vertebrae before the blog on my personal site goes live, and from that point any future posts on will be image + content previews that will link to the post on that site. Streaming announcements and commission posts will still be posted here on extra-vertebrae for ease of access. Since this blog and b-sides-besides will have their submit and ask features disabled, my personal site will incorporate an Ask-like feature to accommodate those who would like to still ask questions and give feedback! Since closure of the Tumblr-based features will happen by January 1st, if there is anything you’d like me to answer through Tumblr specifically, now is the time to ask.For those who would like them, my Twitter can be found here, and my deviantART can be found here. Twitter is the most active of the two, as I use dA for finished pieces and large sketch dumps. The new blog will operate the same as extra-vertebrae and b-sides-besides once it goes live. -- source link