classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo

classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo
classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo
classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo
classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo
classicalmonuments:Sphinx of the NaxiansDelphi, Greece560 BCE12.5 M high total, Sphinx alone 2.2 MIo