brett-caton: siryouarebeingmocked: chadette: tranny-levi: someoneintheshadow446: auntiewanda: someoneintheshadow446: doctornanitesreblogs: auntiewanda: cumbler-tumbler: radwitchescauldron: auntiewanda: cumbler-tumbler: radladiesunite: oceanlesbian: shamelesslyunladylike: tehbewilderness: Terrorism as entertainment. Notice how they target teenage girls because they are afraid of grown women. but it’s feminazi paranoia to be wary of being around men… it’s generalizing men unfairly… #notallincels… how fucking sadistic “harmless psychological fun” – this is chilling. He’s recommending that other men terrorize girls for fun, and calling it harmless. What is this world. “Harmless”. This is why YesAllMen, guys. A girl or woman can never be sure which man is gonna pull this kind of shit. She had “no reason to be frightened”? A strange man asked her name and then started stalking her. Fuck you she had no reason to be afraid you narcissistic sociopath. Targeting a kid for stalking and harassment. And someday soon, it won’t be enough. Because of some sick grudge they’ve developed against womankind, they turn to stalking and frightening, possibly ruining someone’s life through trauma. What does he think happens to her when this is over… she just forgets about it after laughing nervously to her friends about her lucky escape? My god. No, she avoids ever going out alone if she can help it and looks over her shoulder forever, that much less free in the world. . What does he think happens to her when this is over… she just forgets about it after laughing nervously to her friends about her lucky escape? He doesn’t care. The thought doesn’t even cross his mind, because he doesn’t see girls and women as people. I had men pretend to stalk me before and its the most fucking creepy thing ever. Like it is literally the scariest shit that has ever happened to me in my entire life. Creep: *acts like a creep* Me: Wow, what a jerk. Good thing that girl ran away from him. Tunglr.Hell: This is why all men are evil and have a grudge against womankind and why we have to be afraid of every single man Me: ?????? Men are statistically a greater threat to women and all men benefit from this fact. Women don’t develop paraphilias on an epidemic scale for dehumanizing, terrorizing, torturing, brutalizing and entrapping men. Women can never know which man is going to be like this. You can know a man for years before this sort of shit comes out. But we’re asked to ignore this problem, but we’re also told to “keep ourselves safe”, and when that fails we’re asked what did we think was going to happen being in a vulnerable position with a man. Women can never win on this. “male entitlement” I’M A WOMAN. And THIS kind of scaremongering lead me to fear boys throughout my childhood and to implicitly trust girls. You know what happened? I got raped by a girl and was left completely helpless and unable to fight back because I had NO CLUE that girls could be abusers and perpetrators like boys can. Everyone regardless of gender is capable of being an abuser, a rapist, a kidnapper, what have you. Teaching people, girls included to fear only one gender leaves them open to abuse and manipulation from the other one. This shit? This “women should fear all men because they’re all misogynists?” You’re not helping them - you’re leaving them open to abusive people (men AND women) who will exploit their fears and trap them for their own ends. You really want to help girls? Teach them to be wary of bad PEOPLE. To look for signs of bad PEOPLE and learn to protect themselves when faced with one. I honestly can’t put myself into the minds of these people. Imagine judging 50% of the population based on one creep? Like, shit fam, more women in my life abused me and have been predatory and creepy towards me than men, but I’m not petty like these radfems, so I don’t sit on my ass all day and talk about how women are awful and blah blah blah, because… It’s ridiculous. There are female serial killers, there are female rapists, female stalkers, female terrorists, female abusers, female anything terrible. But if anyone made sweeping generalizations about how all women are awful based on the actions of those women, they’d be misogynistic. It’s almost as if y'all are hypocrites and can’t accept the fact that a generalization about 50% of the human population will never be true. The man who made this post is vile but he does not reflect on the billions of men on this planet. And you guys really don’t get why people call you paranoid? Come on. I’m a woman too and this scaremongering propaganda made me so anxious I couldn’t think critically. I ended up trusting a 30 year old pedophile when I was 14 because he quelled my (mostly unnecessary and overblown) anxieties about all men, and told me he understood what Most Men were like and was different. Irony? he was worse than all the men I hated and feared combined. I became much happier when I looked to the good men in my life and judged them based on critical thought (looking for signs of a creep) rather than screaming “ANy MAN COULD BE TERRORIST!!!” Do you know how fucking stupid this logic sounds when applied to any other group–even those who, like men, are statistically more likely to harm us? Look at the way BLM'ers have resorted to rioting because they’ve been told no one will listen to them (even though people are). The ones who hate all white people because they have an overblown idea of what’s going on. Fear is detrimental to the psyche and it makes us MORE vulnerable. It causes us to lose control of ourselves and harm ourselves, or others. It causes us to SUFFER, and why the fuck should we suffer more than necessary bc of false statistics? This is why I care so much about misinformation being spread even for a “"good cause”“. I know what danger and pain paranoia put me in, and I see it putting others in danger and pain every day. Fuck the radfems above me, fuck “empowering” social movements who think fearmongering is the answer. You cause 10 new problems for every 1 you solve and empower nobody. You are just as much of an enemy. >implying OP actually happened Also, terrorism is causing fear for political reasons. How is this remotely political? “ Men are statistically a greater threat to women “Ok, act on your belief - if it’s honest. Leave. Form a country of your own. That’s what sane people do.Either you are a liar and feel no threat - or you genuinely feel surrounded by monsters but are so insanely lazy that you and other misandrists would rather sit around bitching than find safety.“ we’re asked to ignore this problem “Why would you follow the advice of people you say are monsters? I think you are lying about your terror. Sane people wouldn’t care about that advice, they would pack their bags and go. Instead, you post on Tumblr, over and over.“ Women can never win “Certainly not if they listen to you. You want to make women helpless, instead of empowering them. If you were genuine, you’d be making plans to depart. Instead, you whip up a terror, and tell them there is no solution except to be afraid and helpless. Go. Leave. Or admit you are not afraid. But stop your bloody whining. -- source link
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