msantiagophotos:Penny Gamble-Williams is an enrolled tribal member of the Chappaquiddick Wampanoag
msantiagophotos: Penny Gamble-Williams is an enrolled tribal member of the Chappaquiddick Wampanoag tribe, who are not a federally recognized tribe, and of African heritage. She is an activist involved in Native land, freedom of religion and sacred site issues, Indigenous and environmental rights. She was elected Sachem (chief) in 1995 and served for seven years. In 2005 Penny and her husband Thunder Williams co authored a concept paper on the historical connections and relationships of African Americans and presented it to the National Museum of the American Indian. From that paper “Indivisble-African-Native American Lives in the Americas” was created. Penny and her husband were curators of the traveling exhibition, which is also a book of the same name. #photojournalism #reportage #portraits #afronativenarratives #afronatives #blackindians #africanamerican #africandiaspora #ChappaquiddickWampanoag #anthropology #iloveancestry -- source link