So, i’m finally here.Yeah, i know, it’s kinda late, and it was be better for me to post it earlier,
So, i’m finally here.Yeah, i know, it’s kinda late, and it was be better for me to post it earlier, but you know. Preparation for x-mas can take more much time than we expect. Meeting with family, purchasing presents, and alot of this things.Alot of you sending me messages with questions:“Where do you go with your work now? Do you do twitter, or go to the SubscribeStar?”And i need to say, i feel so damn good that you letting me know you dont want to lose me. I love you all. And yeah, i made twitter (Finally in 2018), and SubscribeStar page. Also blog at Blogger, but it still empty because i dumb and still understanding how it works. But here the links.TwitterSubscribeStarBlogspotI hope they will not just block me, and let me delete whole stuff what i have, just to have more connections with you. In some future i will do my Discord server (i just lazy), and all problems will go out.Also, i have a present. One big pack with almost all my works so far.Mega -- source link