Repost @effyourbeautystandards! Welcome to the newest member of the team, Kelvin! You are outnumbere
Repost @effyourbeautystandards! Welcome to the newest member of the team, Kelvin! You are outnumbered by us girls now! Ha! Excited for what he brings to our team & the #effyourbeautystandards movement! ❤️ “Hello everyone! I am @notoriouslydapper and I am proud to be the newest addition to the Eff Your Beauty Standards family! I love everything this movement represents! Especially coming from a background of struggling to accept my own body type. Thankfully, I began to grow more positive the older I’ve gotten! I have always believed in confidence and self love and I want to help spread that satisfaction to others!! #effyourbeautystandards ” -- source link