nai0101: kawaiimii: mysticmessengerr:mysme-hcs:nai0101:nai0101:reluctantrfamember:707-desp
nai0101: kawaiimii: mysticmessengerr: mysme-hcs: nai0101: nai0101: reluctantrfamember: 707-despair: nai0101: reluctantrfamember: not to start a controversy or anything but uhhhhhhhhhhh who else thinks jumin highkey looks more like v’s dad than chairman han? not to mention………………………………….jumin talks more like v’s dad. his general disposition is more like v’s dad. his rigid logic and rationale is more like v’s dad. hell even the way they dress is similar?????? do i……………..smell a scandal. are v and jumin secret half-brothers…? we know v’s dad didn’t love his wife………………………….hrmmm suspicious dark cheritz pls give us the forbidden route [ADJUSTS TINFOIL HAT] ALRIGHT-Y THEORISTS! I GOT THE SCOOP! I GOT THE STORY! IMMA EXPOSE MR KIM FOR THE CHEATING LIL SHIT THAT HE IS!!!! picture this. we been KNEW that v’s father, mr kim, dont love v’s mama. bc hes a dick. so,,,, the CALLOUS BASTARD,,,,,,,, ch e ated. on his one (1) month PREGNANT WIFE. with……………..none other tHAN,,,,,,,, chairman han’s first wife, who later that same year gave birth to JUMIN– jihyun’s younger HALF BBBBROOOOTHER G-G-G-G-G-GAAAASSSSSPPPP?!?!?!?!?!? but it makes sense, doest it???? look at their faces. their MANNERISMS. it fits!! IT FITS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! why would chairman han leave his first wife after all!? ALL THESE HOES AINT LOYAL. AAAAAAALL THESE HOES AINT LOYAAAAL AAHAHAHHAHA– [gets dragged away] Ok Guys take a look at this… I know it’s in a bad quality but could you find who have a similar facial features other than choi twins? I mean aside from their hair/eyes color and parting bang they share a similar face shape. I mean I can’t say Jumin and Zen are related or V and Yoosung related cause their facial feature are different but look at this raw edit of mine… S H I T S Alright, so after looking very closely at the CGs, I found even more evidence. Take a look at this: Almost all of Jumin and Mr. Kim’s facial features match up where the Chairman’s doesn’t. Now Mr. Kim looks like his eyes are squinted, but even with that you can tell the pointed and slanted parts of their eyes are exactly the same. Their noses are completely identical as well. The direction of Jumin’s nostrils don’t match in the above CG, but they do match Mr. Kim’s in the CG where he’s having lunch/dinner with Chairman Han. (I didn’t really check the rest bc I wanted to get this out as soon as possible lol) Even their rather displeased frown matches. Chairman Han has a rather large nose, actual lips if you look close enough (Mr. Kim and Jumin don’t seem to really have lips or even an indication there), and softer almond shaped eyes. Presumably Jumin and Mr. Kim’s noses point upwards since you can see their nostrils, but you can’t see the Chairman’s nostrils. The Chairman’s eyes also are slightly tilted, but Jumin and Mr. Kim’s eyes are straight and flat at the very bottom (I’m bad with descriptions but I hope you understand this?) It could be that Jumin’s mother gave him most of his features (I mean, we don’t know what she looks like) but if you ask me that determines one thing…. @reluctantrfamember @nai0101 @urban-night-cityscape @snarkymc @707-despair @fandomplethora Hi, hope you guys don’t mind me contributing but,, can we also talk about how similar Jumin and V looked as children as well?? Because- idk if this proves anything but they did have the same shaped nose, heads, and ears ALSO I EDITED A PICTURE OF JUMIN BY FLIPPING A PICTURE, ERASING SOME OF HIS STRAY HAIR AND COLORING IT AND IT SCARES ME JUST HOW MUCH JUMIN LOOKS LIKE V LIKE OMGGG L O O K A T T H I S ITS KINDA CREEPING ME OUT TBH Let’s go deep on their teenage years I’m so into this theory and I wanted to think deeply on this. I noticed their hair are the same hairstyle but different bangs direction. But did you know Mr.Kim has the same damn hairstyle compare than Chairman’s hair???? I also did the editing that I FLIPPED just to see if their face shape are the same (idk if it’s coincidence the artist drew or that’s how the drawing style). BUT DAMN THEY LOOK THE SAME. Left FLIPPED Version. Right FLIPPED version. I’m not sure about the ears but their likely to be similar shape and size. @reluctantrfamember @nai0101 @mysticmessengerr @707-despair I don’t know about you guys but I’m getting goosebumps. It’s almost 2 yrs of MM and we’re going too deep. GOOTTA RESEARCH MOOOOREEEE. Cheritz please give us the route of this. Since y’all have come this far and seems to be interested in this #KIMGATE hell. I’d like to share my and the squad personal findings.Let’s take a look…First, back to Mr. Kim (V’s dad). If some of you has been playing another story, you know that V’s dad doesn’t really care/not interested about his own son, V.Why? Maybe because he is the son of his late wife who actually he didn’t love at all. It’s been explained in the V route itself from V’s mom that their marriage was just business. Jumin surprisingly get along so well with V’s dad, in the later/earlier chatroom I forget V told him that his father is pragmatist and then Jumin made comment “Then it would be so much easier because I am also a pragmatist”. So based on this we could conclude that they kinda share the same personality which they don’t share with their own dad/son.Then after this Jumin suggested that the four of them should having meal together like the old times. Actually he just want V to brighten up.Based on the conversation, V’dad quickly agreed with Jumin’s suggestion without much complaints despite maybe he actually doesn’t want to meet V. But why he can’t just say “No” to Jumin? Was it because they still have some business/deal together? Which seems more unlikely because I don’t think Jumin would just cancel the deal if Mr. Kim reject his suggestion. Jumin is not a person who would mix personal and business matter because it’s not professional and not-so-like-him. Or was it for a different reason; like V’s dad didn’t want to upset his favorite “son”? I mean let’s be real V’s dad treat Jumin like his own son more than his own. Who knows.[TRIVIA]At this point, it will get little angsty. So if V and Jumin are really half brothers, we know that V never experienced a father’s love because Mr. Kim seems to only cares about Jumin, while Jumin has been loved by both Mr. Kim and Mr. Han. However Jumin never know how mother’s love would feel since his bio mom left him since he was very young, while V learned that his mother always love even in her death. Does it sound like a tragic complementary for each other?[END OF TRIVIA]Second, about Jumin and V share a very similar facial features. Some of you have done an amazing job of finding it on your own even make an analysis about it I feel like crying I am proud of y’all I also have more evidences about this. Look…There is NO WAY they are not brothers… I mean I can tell they have same facial features and looks similar just by glance lolThis is my personal favorite evidence Lastly,Maybe cheritz has been giving us a hint through Yoosung… Jumin Kim is canon To sum up#KIMGATE IS REAL y’all special thanks to my fellow extra squad @reluctantrfamember @707-despair @urban-night-cityscape @snarkymc -- source link
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