puppetaz: Let me count the ways you will submit to me…1. dont hyperventilate thinking it will help2.
puppetaz: Let me count the ways you will submit to me…1. dont hyperventilate thinking it will help2. just breath normally3. like you always do4. not even noticing the pace5. and with each breath, you become more relaxed6. is not an incredible amount of relaxation7. is just enough to keep you there for a bit more8. wanting to feel the next little wave of relaxation9. probably you are not moving10. moving would break the spell11. try to move a little12. move a finger13. moving can stop the growing relaxation14. and you even feel a bit disappointed15. so you stop moving again16. feeling the disappointment fading17. being replaced by that relaxation you lost18. for a bit you feel happy to be relaxed again19. and you smile20. but soon enough, your face relaxes again21. so you keep breathing22. and relaxing23. not wanting to move24. so focused on what i said25. that you realized you weren’t thinking at all26. but now you are thinking27. about thinking28. and you try not to think about thinking29. you want to think about not thinking30. so the thoughts wont get in the way to how good it feels to breath and relax31. and so32. your body and mind relax more and more33. not wanting to move34. not wanting to think35. your body so calm and you mind so silent36. and it gets stronger37. and you welcome how calm and nice you are feeling38. because you feel even better39. and now, your finger moves, but you are still relaxed40. is like it isn’t your finger41. that’s how relaxed you are42. that’s how silent your mind is43. and just like that, you feel yourself going deeper44. growing so relaxed and mindless45. so open to my words46. feeling how receptive you are to my words47. and how good it feels when you open your mind48. and now, i will give you a special word49. something to make you come back to this nice trance50. your trigger is “sweet sleep” 51. sweet sleep 52. sweet sleep 53. you will come back to this trance whenever i type that to you54. and you will go as deep as you can55. sweet sleep 56. sweet sleep 57. when you get there,58. you will reply59. “sweet dreams”60. whenever i and only i type inside brackets61. (like this)62. you will read it without noticing63. and you will obey the command given that way64. and when i tell you, you will close your eyes65. and you will stay like that for a couple of minutes66. enjoying this sensation67. noticing your trigger becoming stronger68. in your subconscious mind69. in a safe place where it wont be forgotten70. close your eyes now, and keep reading later71. Mindlessness72. is not hard to follow and obey73. i tell you to type something on notepad74. and you type it75. even if its not true76. it doesn’t matter77. you have to type it78. and if i tell you to do something79. you do it80. even if you don’t want to81. it doesn’t matter82. you have to obey83. if i tell you to undress,84. and you type “i’m mindless” but is not true85. then, you didn’t just do that mindlessly, right?86. so you didn’t obey87. so you are not a good submissive88. and you want to be a good submissive89. you want it so much,90. that when i call you “good ”91. you feel a wave of happiness and submissiveness92. its very rewarding to hear or read me call you good 93. so rewarding, that sometimes you will obey just because it feels good to be good 94. and now95. i want you to kneel96. kneel97. and look at the screen98. and you cant get up99. but you can try100. and when you try, you feel the weight of my command101. pushing you down102. making you stay where you are103. you can’t type either104. because you have to move, and i didn’t gave you permission105. you will stay there106. trying to resist107. feeling your submissiveness growing108. sometimes you obey and sometimes you don’t109. but now, there is no doubt in your mind110. you feel the need to serve111. the need to be controlled112. whisper to yourself “yes, i do and i need more commands”113. and now, let yourself lay back114. still looking at the screen115. maybe you snapped out of it for a little bit, but now its all coming back to you116. the need to obey117. the need to please118. growing stronger119. you need more tasks from me, but i’m not giving them yet120. i just stay here, telling you to relax,121. while that burning need to obey grows122. you need to obey and you have no commands123. and all i tell you is to relax, but relaxing doesn’t satisfy you124. you need to please, isn’t it125. beg to be controlled, before it burns your insides126. or you can just relax and keep reading me talk about relaxation, but is not enough127. is never enough128. you try to please, but words are not enough, you need actions129. yes and no are words, they can be true or false,130. you want to do things, obey things, please your master131. you don’t care what commands, you need them, you need to do them132. is stronger than you, obedience is basic in your life133. pleasing is basic in your life134. more than breathing135. more than eating136. crawl around your room for a few minutes,137. investigate the smells in your room, like a kitten138. when you come back, you will have finished139. you will have obeyed140. it would feel incredibly good141. and if i express that i’m pleased with you in any way, you will feel incredibly happy and content142. it did indeed made you happy143. but it also created a void144. completing a command means no more commands to obey145. and the need comes back146. so i will give you a task that it will be long147. use two fingers and rub your temples gently148. without stopping149. dont go to fast tho150. you need to notice the pleasure of mindlessness151. the pleasure that comes from your body152. the pleasure that comes from obeying a command153. each pleasure amplifying the other154. reinforcing the need to obey deep inside you155. keep rubbing gently156. and let go of all thoughts157. you don’t need to think158. thoughts are information to make decisions159. and you don’t need to make decisions when you have someone that controls you160. you have a master controlling you161. so you can let your mind go blank162. make all those thoughts163. all the decisions164. all the worries165. all the cares166. make them go away167. so they wont get in the way168. of your obedience to your master169. and when you have done that170. then you will feel a hunger for pleasure,171. and you will need me to go faster172. feel your mind emptying173. giving room to the hunger174. rub faster now175. but as you rub faster176. you realize how much i’ve given you177. i’ve given you commands to obey178. when you needed to obey179. i’ve given you pleasure180. when you needed to feel it181. you will let me decide when your mind can think again182. because that’s what good slaves do183. that’s what good subjects like you do184. feeling it 185. almost at your grasp186. but never completely there187. your desire for blankness takes over188. your body and mind are out of your control189. you want it190. it’s there191. your see it192. but is still too far193. you want it don’t you?194. do it now195. feel the stillness rip through your body in all its intensity, slave196. and when its done, you will feel so grateful197. loving how this script made you feel198. and if that’s the case199. you will continue reading my other blogs where it’s even more200. https://puppetaz.bdsmlr.com/201. and once you do that, you will wake up202. feeling very happy and submissive203. all the submissive feelings from this trance will stay for 2 hours204. very strong and intenseand after 2 hours, they will fade and disappear -- source link
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