Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. We remember those we’ve lost and renew our commitment
Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance. We remember those we’ve lost and renew our commitment to fight for the living. Samantha Allen, in Jacobin, points out that fighting for the living requires a truly radical politics:Because most people on the list lack basic economic security, it must be socialist; because the list is primarily made up of women, it must be feminist; because most of those women are people of color, it must be anti-racist. Because so many of these transgender women of color are sex workers, it must adopt a nuanced approach to sex work that respects its economic and personal necessity without ignoring its dangers. And because so many of these sex workers are in countries like Brazil and Mexico, it must be internationalist. If this politics seems impossible, consider that the safety of transgender people is impossible in its absence.More at Jacobin.Cece McDonald poster by Micah Bazant. -- source link
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