Something that I often hear is that being vegan is too expensive. This is simply untrue. Veganism ca
Something that I often hear is that being vegan is too expensive. This is simply untrue. Veganism can be tailored to fit into anyone’s lifestyle, regardless of income. I believe the reason that most people think that veganism is expensive is because they think that vegans live off of kombucha and acai bowls, or they see the prices of processed vegan foods like pizzas, ice cream, and nut based cheese. Yes, processed vegan food can get extremely expensive, but that is not the healthiest or cheapest way to eat vegan. I VERY rarely purchase these items and most of my meals come from whole, unprocessed foods. Did you know that most of the poorest counties in the world eat a mostly vegan diet, not because they want to, but because that is all that they can afford? No matter what a person’s financial status is, no one should be denied healthy, sustainable food based on income. Check out my blog (link in bio) to hear all of my tips on how you can eat vegan while on a budget. -- source link