From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone:Liz made her way into The Zone.As one of the most exciting cl
From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone:Liz made her way into The Zone.As one of the most exciting clubs in the unusual city of Chrystal Heights, The Zone is the place to go for fun and excitement. It has its share of challenges and risks, such as the super-potent Alphas who can sexually overwhelm women and men through simple interaction, but the ambiance is ripe with the breathless intensity that goes with being in an environment where it feels like anything can happen, even if nothing does. Drinking in certain parts of The Zone is considered to be a thrill sport to many.But there’s more to The Zone than just clubs. Bookstores, clothing boutiques, specialist shops, stylists, spas, shadowy business offices- various stores and services can be found in quiet corners, between clubs and sometimes even within them. Some stores even have reputations of their own. The Blue Chimera Coffee Shoppe and Arcane Library is a common destination for those seeking certain tomes and excellent cappuccino. Leanda the gypsy will look into her crystal ball for answers you didn’t ask for. Vivian the art mage will paint your portrait in minutes…although you may not leave looking as you did when you arrived. The Zone is a hive of destinations and activities, and one can find themselves leaving with unplanned treasures or embarrassing conditions. So when Liz entered The Zone and casually made her way toward The Edge, that part of The Zone where law of the jungle was lay of the land, she wasn’t looking to get a drink in a breathless environment. She was too smart for that. All she wanted was some carrot juice and a special selection of house plants and seeds. So she walked past Club Bolts- a scifi club providing robot bartenders and an android harem- and Bimbomania!- a club themed around the Chrystal Heights gameshow- and made her way downstairs to The Electric Swamp, a juice bar and specialty garden store.The Electric Swamp was a different kind of juice bar and garden shop. The juices were excellent, even if one had never heard of many of the vegetables provided. And they offered a range of biotics found almost no place else in Chrystal Heights or Darkview. Looking for a biological security system? Get the latest breed of tentacus guardius, better known as the Tentacle Sentry plant, capable of recognizing the difference between the homeowner’s bio-print and an intruder’s. Protect your backyard with strategically planted Anneslea Helianthus, better known as the ‘Spitting Sunflower’, which can spit a pollen spore accurately up to 50 feet, leaving its victims in a helplessly aroused state for hours, unable to focus or concentrate on anything other than trying to quench the burning arousal. If you prefer a biologic rather than a botanical eco-security system for your yard, you can always introduce the serpentes mesmeris- better known as a spiral serpent, due to its ability to mesmerize animals and humans alike with its unblinking stare- into your garden or backyard. Of course, one must be careful when bringing in the spiral serpent. One lesser-known fact about the spiral serpent is that they can use their ability to turn humans into bio-incubators for their eggs, which are inserted into the human anally. One careless trip into the backyard or garden and the homeowner can find themselves carrying an embarrassing load of heavy hybrid human-snake eggs to term.Liz was there for a more specific reason than generalized security. She was there because CW needed to be put in his place.Okay, yeah, CW was the big name in The Zone…and Chrystal Heights, for that matter…but enough was enough. Liz was going to put him place but turning her place into a garden of vengeance. Yeah! A garden of revenge! One walk through her garden was going to leave CW a ditzy, giggling blowjob bimbo, shaking her ass for tips at the closest strip bar! Perfect!Of course, Liz didn’t actually know anything about gardening. She was going to need a little guidance for that part. Liz entered the Electric Swamp. Despite being an indoor facility, it had the feel and ambiance of an outside setting. Amplified UV lighting felt like sunlight and breezes blew from various directions. The air had a fresh, grassy smell. A wooden juice bar lined one wall and a surprisingly full, healthy garden, with both soil-based and hydro-based mediums filled much of the huge room. One section in a far corner went farther back than the eye could see. It seemed to be a swampy area.She got a carrot juice from the juice bar, where she was then directed to a biologic and botany consultant. He looked every inch the science geek he was, white lab coat and all.“Welcome to the Electric Swamp,” said the geek, giving her a big smile. “I’m Paul Tally, security consultant, and I’m here to help. Would you be interested in a Leporidae Liliales? We’re having a special this week.”Liz blinked. “Leper-what?”“Leporidae Liliales,” he said. “A bunny tulip. Pretty rare, but we made a batch recently.”“What the hell’s a bunny tulip?”Paul grinned. “It’s a big tulip. Gorgeous. When it’s in deep bloom, though, if you get too close, it can unexpectedly douse you with spores.”Liz’s eyes widened slightly. “Is that dangerous?”“Not physically,” said Paul, “but anyone who gets caught in the cloud will find themselves growing bunny ears and a rabbit tail for a month or two, not to mention going into heat.”“Really?”Paul nodded. “Yep. Doesn’t hurt, but it lasts for 4-6 weeks, including the heat. Anybody seeing the bunny ears knows the person’s in heat, so it can be quite problematic for the victims. These are often used just inside backyard gates to prevent trespassers. It’s not going to stop a determined or experienced thief, of course, but it’s an affordable option for someone looking for low-key security.”Liz shook her head. “I’ll keep it in mind, but it’s not what I’m looking for.”Paul offered a smile and straightened, obviously trying to look taller. Liz suddenly laughed as she realized the geek was flirting with her.“Not today, Seymour,” said Liz. “I’m just here for plants.”Paul reddened. “Of course,” he said. “So what is it you’re looking for?”Liz explained what she was looking for.Paul whistled. “You’re looking to top CW? That’s a tough one. I’d say the bimbus plantae might work, but that one’s extremely rare.”“The what?”“The bimbo plant, more or less,” said Paul. “It only works on men- doesn’t affect women. If a man breathes the scent of the plant long enough, it’ll turn him into a busty nymph for a while. Usually blonde, can’t think about anything except sex. It’s typically only found in some swamps around the Chrystal Mountains. Very rare. We don’t have any here at all. Not for sale, anyway.”Liz looked up at that. “You have some, but not for sale?”Paul shrugged. “Sure,” he said. “In the swamp display. But it’s the only one and it’s not for sale.”“The swamp display?” said Liz. “I take it that’s that big swampy area you have in the back corner?”“Yes,” he said, “but that’s off-limits to customers. That’s where we grow a number of swamp plants for seeds, juices and other things. Some of our ingredients have very specific growth setting needs.”“What does it look like?”Paul shrugged. “Sort of like leafy bamboo. Very light but distinct scent. It needs to be in close proximity to work, though. I’m sorry we couldn’t help you there.”Liz grinned. Paul wasn’t sorry at all. He didn’t want to risk crossing CW. But that was fine.“Don’t worry about it, Paul,” said Liz sweetly. “I’ll figure something out. I’m just going to wander your gorgeous indoor garden here and enjoy my juice, okay?”“That’s fine,” said Paul, looking relieved. “Feel free to smell the flowers and just take in the ambiance.”“I will.”Paul gave her a surprisingly stern look. “But stay out of the swamp,” he said firmly.Liz affected her most innocent expression. “Of course I will! I wouldn’t dream of going in that swamp!”Plainly suspicious, Paul paused, then nodded. “Glad to hear it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to finish some cross-pollinations in the lab.”Liz nodded, making sure to look very impressed at his scientific ability. Which wasn’t actually that difficult, as intelligence was an aphrodisiac of sorts. But still.Liz waited until Paul had left and the girl working the juice counter was busy with other customers before making her move toward the swamp. The area was blocked by velvet ropes, but they weren’t difficult to get under. Moments later, Liz was in the swamp.Swamp probably wasn’t the right word for the area. The plants grew taller and wilder for sure, and there were areas that were more wetland than forest-y, but it wasn’t as mucky as the word ‘swamp’ made it sound. It was larger than it appeared, though.It took longer than she expected, but when she spotted a leafy bamboo stalk, Liz knew she had found what she was looking for. It was exuding a sweet perfume-y scent that would certainly make her living room smell nice…and it would make CW embarrassingly pretty. This was going to work just fine.As she was reaching for the plant, though, she heard a musical trilling just behind her. She spun around.An exotic woman stood before her. She was lithe, but with soft, sensual curves. Her hair was a forest green. Her eyes were odd, almost amphibian in appearance. Her skin was smooth, sensual, ranging from soothing greens to golden yellows. Liz hesitated, unsure of how she should react. The woman appeared to be part nymph, part…frog? She was obviously a product of cross-fertilization by the lab, but Liz wasn’t sure of how to handle her.The nymph moved forward on bare feet, stepping softly until she reached Liz. Then she waited.The nymph smelled good, Liz realized. Fresh, like the outdoors. There was something sweet, something healthy about her. She allowed herself a smile.The nymph smiled, then leaned forward and pressed her lips against Liz’s.Liz accepted the kiss, let herself sink into it. She felt the nymph’s tongue slide briefly into her mouth, touching her tongue briefly, once, twice, again. Liz felt a rush surge through her, a buzzy flurge. A bizzy buzzy nurpy. The nymph’s lips tasted so good. They tasted like jazzy warples. Booples too.The nymph broke the kiss, then stepped back daintily, giggling.Liz blinked languidly, watching the colors flow around her. She tried to catch blue, but couldn’t. Pink was sweeping over her. She tried to sneak up on yellow, but red was tricky-dicky and got in the way.Oh, gawd, thought Liz. I’m stoned. The frog girl drugged me.Her nipples were hard, aching. She reached for the nymph, but the nymph stepped back and Liz fell forward onto the ground.Liz rolled onto her butt. She had to get away. She tried to focus her eyes, but everything was swimming. The frog girl was removing Liz’s shoes. Liz giggled, realizing she was a barefoot boopy-do in a swamp.Liz somehow got to her feet and started away, but she tripped and found herself bent over, stuck in the v-shaped branches of a small tree. This wouldn’t normally be a challenge, but Liz couldn’t stand. Her eyes were glazed. The world was spinning.But her nipples were hard. So hard. She could hear the nymph trilling, feel the frog-girl’s hands removing her clothing. Liz giggled. She was nakey. So nakey. A nakey boopy-do in the forest.She could hear the crunchy-wunchy sounds. Someone was here. Was it a lurpy?Liz heard an unzippy sound. She felt hands on her hips. She watched colors chase each other around as she felt a powerful force sliding into her. An explosion of gold danced before her eyes and she tasted mystic grapes a heat built inside her belly. Hands held her hips in place as the heat built to an impossible crescendo. Then blues and reds and greens exploded before her as her body pressed back against the heated rod inside her, as her rounded bottom pressed against the force behind her. Then Liz was crying out, a spicky-dicky sound, so pokey and bop.Then blackness dropped like a curtain and Liz sighed as she spun off into lurpy darkness.*****Hours later, Liz woke up with the worst headache of her life. And with bunny ears.“You passed out next to a Leporidae Liliales,” said Paul. “You got spored a couple times. Don’t worry. The bunny ears look cute on you. They’ll be gone in a couple months. Along with the bunny tail. And the heat.”Liz closed her eyes and blushed, remembering Paul driving his thick cock into her again and again. Making her cum like a slut over and over. Shooting into her, filling her, a geek claiming the cheerleader. She’d never live this down.Then Liz shuddered, feeling the heat building in her belly. Oh, gawd, the heat. Even now, with a blinding headache, she wanted…no, needed…to be filled with cock. Any hole. All holes. Filled over and over again. “We decided not to call the cops on you for trespassing,” said Paul, “since our security took care of you pretty efficiently.”Liz groaned. Even her hair hurt. “Security?”“Yeah,” said Paul. “Zila. Our frog-nymph. She acts as security for the swamp. You’re lucky she’s not fertile right now. You’d have ended up carrying her eggs for her.”This place was crazy. “Can I go now?”“Sure,” said Paul. “Feel free to come back. Watch out for Zila if you do, though. She enjoyed your kiss and would love to fill you with eggs.”Liz groaned and rolled to her feet. Then she headed for the door, trying not to waddle as she did so. -- source link
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