From Chrystal Heights:Kira stood just outside the window, counting the people in the room. There wer
From Chrystal Heights:Kira stood just outside the window, counting the people in the room. There were four.Kira nodded. Four. Nothing a skilled merc couldn’t handle.She slid silently from the window and made her way toward the side-door. The lock proved difficult, taking her nearly ten seconds to pick before she was slipping into Rowan’s lair.Kira smiled to herself. Rowan was going to be very disappointed to find himself being dragged back to Dr. Jezebel Jennings’ laboratory, but the bounty being offered by the scientist was too enticing to pass up. Kira allowed herself a moment to feel sorry for Rowan. Word on the street was that Dr. Jennings was quite put out with Rowan and the scientist had some interesting plans for the Bio-Alpha. Kira had no intention of asking questions, however. Dr. Jennings was not one to cross.She moved on silent feet down the hall into the kitchen. Focused on the far doorway as she was, she failed to notice the solitary figure on the far side of the kitchen, leaning against the table and looking at his phone.They saw each other at the same time. His eyebrows rose.“Who the hell are you?” he said. “And why the fuck are you dressed like a ninja?”Kira drew a dagger and threw it in the same motion. The dagger rotated several times before the heavy pommel struck the man in the head. He blinked stupidly for a moment, his eyes crossing, before his knees buckled and he dropped to the ground with a thud.Kira moved quickly across the kitchen and collected her dagger. She paused for a moment, waiting to see if anyone would come to investigate the noise. There was no one.She moved toward the far door. It was time to collect the bounty.*****The four guys looked at her quizzically as soon as she walked into the room.“Huh?” said one. “Who are you and what the fuck are you doing here?”The first two guys didn’t wait for her to answer. They moved straight for her.Kira twirled, driving a whirling back-kick into the belly of the first guy. She ducked low under a punch thrown by the second guy and jammed her elbow into his gut, then pulled her arm across her body and back, elbowing him in the ribs. He grunted and tried to step away, but Kira drove the blade of her foot into the side of his knee. He groaned and dropped to the ground, unable to stand.Even as that guy dropped, Kira cradled her leg beneath her and drove a back-kick into the lower belly of the first guy. He hit the floor almost before the second guy.Standing between the two downed men, Kira turned her attention to the other two opponents still standing.The third guy turned to the fourth guy. “Fuck,” he said. “That’s Kira.”“Who?”“Kira,” said the third guy. “Mercenary. She’s good.”“Whatever,” said the fourth guy. “Must be here for Rowan. Let’s take her down.”They closed the distance between them and Kira quickly, but Kira leaped and twirled, evading the hands of both opponents. They adjusted and grabbed for her again, but realized too late that she was now between them. Kira struck the man behind her with an elbow to his belly, then drove her stiffened fingers into the throat of the man in front of her. Then she dropped low and whirled, kicking the feet of the opponent behind her out from under him. She stood in time to block an attempted blow from the gasping opponent still on his feet and drove a knuckled fist into his sternum. He dropped to the ground, his face grey.The last remaining guy was trying to struggle to his feet. A chop to the neck put him to sleep.Time to collect Rowan.*****Kira had had enough embarrassing experiences with Alphas to know one did not simply walk in to take them. Her ninja catsuit made it easier for her to blend into shadows, but it was functional in another way as well. The mask that covered her face, save her eyes, had a built-in filter across her mouth and nose as well. Although it wouldn’t protect her against exposure to Alpha pheromones over an extended period, it would serve as protection in the short term. Time enough for her to take Rowan down and secure him for delivery to Dr. Jennings.Moving quietly, Kira made her way toward the back. It was possible that Rowan had no idea she was here. She had taken out his cronies quickly and quietly. But she couldn’t count on that. Then she heard a noise, a clanking noise, metal on metal. It took a moment for Kira to place it. It was the sound of weights, barbell weights clanking together. He was in the gym.Kira drew her tranquilizer gun. Time to take care of business. He couldn’t dose her with pheromones if he was sleeping like a baby.She moved through the doorway. The figure standing before her holding the barbell aloft stared at her uncomprehendingly. Then he dropped the barbell with a cacophony of clangs and attempted to spin away.Too late. Kira had already aligned her sight and fired. The tranq dart flew true, striking him in the side of the neck. He clutched at his neck, trying to pluck the dart from where it jutted from his neck, but the fast-acting tranquilizer was already moving through his system. Seconds later he fell sideways, unconscious.Kira moved toward him, still cautious. Alphas were dangerous enough on their own, Bio-Alphas even more so. She needed to make sure he was truly unconscious before she allowed herself to relax. Something was wrong, though. Even as Kira put her foot on his shoulder and rolled him over, she knew something was wrong. Once she recognized that, it took her less than a second to work out what was wrong. The first wrong thing was that the unconscious man on the floor wasn’t Rowan. And the second wrong thing was that Kira wasn’t alone.Kira whirled, but nothing leaped out at her. Then she saw a figure push himself away from the wall and walk toward her.Rowan.He was young- barely 19- but his altered Alpha physiology had already given a man’s build. He moved easily, with the grace and power of an athlete in his prime.It was impossible to know the extent of Rowan’s abilities. Dr. Jennings had performed any number of unethical experiments upon the young Alpha. The young Bio-Alpha, more accurately. Rowan possessed a dangerous cunning, a dark, ominous intellect.“Hey, there,” he said. “Heard you coming. Told Eric there to stand in front so we could see who it was. Had no idea you were going to knock him out, though. He’s going to be pissed at you when he wakes up.”Kira didn’t wait. She launched herself at Rowan, leading with a flying kick, the blade of her foot aimed at his mid-section.Rowan twisted, blocking her kick as she sailed past him. She landed on lightly on her feet and whirled again, aiming a spinning back punch at his head, but he blocked that as well. Kira then spun in the opposite direction with a whirling back kick, but it sailed over his head, as Rowan had already dropped low and whirled as well, kicking Kira’s feet out from under her.Rowan stood and raised his foot to stomp the breath out of Kira, but she had already shoulder-sprung back to her feet. They circled, catching their breath as they shifted and jockeyed for position. “Interesting,” he said. “You’re quite good.”Kira knew Rowan was flooding the room with his powerful Alpha pheromones. Between his natural self-defense mechanism and the intense physical exertion, the small room was a hotbed of potent Alpha musk. The unconscious Eric was erect, his rigid dick threatening to tear through his shorts.Kira circled, her hands in constant motion. Her mask was filtering almost all his pheromones so far, but some were getting through. Her nipples were hard and she could feel a low-grade heat in her pussy. Her wet pussy. She was going to have to take him out soon.She stepped forward and snapped a kick at his groin. It was a feint, however, and as he dropped with crossed arms to block her kick, she shifted and snap-kicked him in the jaw. Rowan stumbled sideways, steadying himself just in time to block her follow-up hand-thrust at his throat.Pressing her advantage, Kira shifted and drove her foot into his knee. Rowan shifted slightly, preventing her kick from damaging his knee, but unable to prevent himself from stumbling. Kira whirled again, bringing her foot high and then down across his face, snapping his head sideways.Rowan rode the momentum of the kick, rolling away from Kira. As he rolled to his feet, he snatched a staff off the wall.Kira reached over her shoulders and drew her Escrima sticks. She was unhurt, but breathing heavy now. Her nipples were rigid and her pussy was a throbbing, wet mess. Kira was trying not to think about his cock being in her mouth, her pussy, her ass.“Alrighty then,” said Rowan, smiling. “You’re a fun opponent. Shall we continue? Or would you just prefer to top me off?”Kira’s eyes narrowed. Bastard.She whirled into action, her sticks moving impossibly fast, but Rowan proved to be every bit as adept with a staff as she was with her sticks. Her sticks offset his strength, but her speed advantage was offset by his reach. Both expended a good deal of energy on the back-and-forth, with neither gaining a significant advantage. Except Kira was becoming dangerously overheated. And she knew if she didn’t end this quickly, she’d be on her knees helplessly blowing the young, arrogant Bio-Alpha.And then the arrogant bastard dropped the staff at his feet and smiled.“I think I’ve had enough exercise,” he said. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”The Bio-Alpha raised his arms until his elbows were perpendicular to the ground. For a crazy moment, Kira thought Rowan was flexing to impress her. Then she realized why he had assumed such a position.Tentacles were snaking out from just below each armpit. And another pair of tentacles were snaking out beneath them as well.Kira’s eyes widened slightly and she realized she had only moments to act. Whirling her sticks in blazing figure 8’s, she immediately sprang to the attack.It was a lightning attack, perfectly executed, but it never had a chance. Rowan’s tentacles caught Kira in mid-air. Kira struggled, but she had no leverage and not nearly enough strength to overcome the muscled tentacles. She was quickly disarmed, her Escrima sticks taken and thrown into a corner. She tried to fight bare-handed, but her wrists were restrained, then her ankles. She continued struggling, trying to free her limbs from the firm grip of the tentacles, but she could feel her strength waning.The tentacles dragged her forward until she was directly in front of Rowan. Kira felt herself lifted by her limbs so that she was nearly eye-to-eye with Rowan.Rowan smiled. Then he glanced down.Kira instinctively looked down as well, a moment before she felt the pressure against her navel. Her eyes widened and she began struggling again, but she could make no headway. She could only writhe helplessly as the tentacle vine pressed against her belly, tearing into her ninja outfit and wriggling into her belly button.She twisted her hips, trying to shake off the predatory vine, but the invading appendage burrowed heedlessly into her belly button, working its way inside her belly. Kira could feel it secreting some sort of sap or fluid, something dulling what should have been a burning, tearing pain as it invaded her belly. In fact, the sap was generating a low-grade erotic heat, an erotic throbbing where the vine had worked itself into her belly button. And now Kira could feel the tip of the vine inside her belly thickening, taking root. Had Kira’s hands been free and she was able to grasp the vine, she knew she would be unable to pull the vine from her belly button.And then Kira’s eyes widened yet again as she realized there were a number of oblong marble-shaped objects moving through the vine toward her belly.The first one reached her belly and slowly forced its way into her belly button, causing it to stretch taunt. Then it suddenly popped through and the sensations caused Kira to shudder. The second one worked its way through her belly button, then the third. Kira watched with helpless fascination as the endless parade moved along the inside of the vine and through her belly button.“Mmmmmmm,” said Roland. “I’m sure you’re curious. Those are eggs, my little ninja cutie. You’re going to be an adorable incubator.”Kira doubled her struggles, her efforts to be free. For a moment, it appeared she might even be able to twist free. Then another slipped inside her mask slid into her mouth, down into her throat, and began releasing a thick, sickly-sweet fluid. Helpless against the predatory vine, Kira could only swallow the fluid as fast as the vine spewed it into her throat.Kira could feel her efforts to pull free weakening, feel the strength in her limbs depleting, feel her fiery need to resist draining from her.“It’s a sap,” said Rowan. “A wonderful sedative. It won’t knock you out, but it will certainly make you easier to handle.”The marble-sized eggs continued to stream into Kira’s belly for some time. Then Kira felt the ovi-positor withdraw from her belly button and the vine withdraw from her throat.The tentacles shifted. And then, held aloft by a powerful tentacle curled around her waist, Kira was quickly and efficiently stripped, her ninja outfit shredded by the appendages.Being stripped by her opponent was embarrassing enough. But with her mask removed, Kira no longer had even that little bit of protection against Rowan’s Alpha pheromones. She was now bathed in the full essence of a merciless Bio-Alpha.The tentacles shifted again, forcing Kira to her knees. Rowan’s cock had been freed from his pants and stood fully erect inches away from the overheated merc. The thick shaft emanated formidable power, a compelling magnetism. Powerful, potent. It commanded. Heavy, mighty balls accompanied that weighty, dominating cock.A lick. Just one lick. Just enough to give her a moment to gather her thoughts. Long enough to…Too late. Kira’s head bobbed as her mouth helplessly worked that mighty Alpha cock.Rowan’s voice sounded above her as her warm, wet mouth serviced his cock. “Those eggs in your belly are dormant at the moment,” he said. “You’re simply carrying them around for me at the moment.”Kira’s mouth continued working Rowan’s cock. She needed him to come, to release that heated flood of seed. She needed it. She was impossibly aroused now, lost in heat, unable to control her need. She couldn’t think, just react.“But the thing about those eggs,” continued Rowan, “is that they’re just waiting for a catalyst.”Rowan’s cock was growing thicker, heavier, almost throbbing in her mouth. He was close. So close.“That catalyst,” said Rowan, “is sperm. Hot, potent, sperm.”Kira was sliding her mouth completely over his shaft now, allowing it to enter her throat, her lips wrapped abound the base of his cock. So close.The tentacles suddenly moved, shifted, and Kira found herself lifted into the air, perpendicular to the ground. Her thighs pulled wide by the gripping, grasping appendages, her ridiculously wet pussy exposed, vulnerable.Rowan stepped forward and placed the fat mushroom head of his cock against her sopping wet slit. “And when that catalyst occurs,” he said, “when that hot, potent seed reaches those super-fertile eggs…”Rowan slid his cock inside the overheated ninja girl. Her eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen, but it was too late. Without further preamble, the Bio-Alpha stroked deep inside Kira, her pussy lips wrapped tight around the base of his potent cock, and emptied his heavy balls inside her.His release triggered Kira’s and the overheated merc exploded, wriggling and writhing as she came on Rowan’s cock as his throbbing member flooded her womb with seed for an endless minute, each throb pumping another dense load inside the exhausted Kira.Rowan’s ejaculation finally trailed off, but he paused, not yet sliding the dazed ninja girl off his still-hard shaft. “And when that hot, potent seed reaches those super-fertile eggs,” he repeated, “the result is, without fail, a nice, round, swelled trophy.”Kira closed her eyes, her cheeks burning. Oh, gawd.“And I suppose I should mention that you’re not just pregnant, my adorable little merc,” said Rowan. He smiled, although it didn’t touch his eyes. “You’re hyper-pregnant. Although I’m sure you would have figured that out shortly, as you’re going to be showing in a few hours. Maybe sooner.”The tentacles shifted, pulling the naked girl off Rowan’s cock with a wet slurp and depositing her onto the ground. Kira scrambled to her feet. She could feel her whole body blushing.“We’re done here,” said Rowan, “and guess what? You’re already starting to show. Looks like you’ve got a category 1 hyper-pregnancy. You’re going to be fully swelled before you even get home. Damn, I do good work! Now it’s time for you to waddle your knocked-up ass out that door. Tell Dr. Jennings I said hello, okay? Now get out before I decide to let the others have at you as well.”Kira gathered her sticks from the corner. As Rowan had said, her belly was already swelling, her breasts already growing heavy with milk. Her body was changing faster than she could process. Realizing her clothing had been shredded, the still-overheated merc could only walk toward the door naked.Or waddle, rather. She was already waddling, her ambulation unconsciously adjusting for the growing weight of her growing belly. Oh, gawd.“Oh,” said Rowan, “and by the way…”Kira paused, biting her lower lip.The young Bio-Alpha smiled. “Good fight.”Kira blushed again. Then she made her way out of the gym. @kirathewarrior1999@drjezebeljennings@skylarsilva98@thehypnodaddy -- source link
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